Well, apologies for appalling blogsilence but my logic board died on my computer whilst working in Argentina recently - in the middle of a presentation of some photo's at a very important meeting. I stayed calm.... I got a new logic board fitted within 48 hours but since then my hard drive is struggling. Buying a lovely new one's about time. In the meantime I'm considering filing a suit against Apple (hhmm...I'm really going to win that one). I really do think I have a good case.
Count one: was originally sold a brand new ibook with known (to them not me) faulty logic board. So I was sold knowingly faulty goods for starters - I think that's against the law...
Count two: faulty logic board replaced after 9 months and waited a month for new part - wholly unacceptable - only to find out recently that
Count Three: that the second logic board that replaced the first one was also part of a faulty batch hence am now on logic board three within a year. I think I have a good case to make them give me a new computer for nothing don't you?
Anyway......not much to report - had three days at home with family at Christmas and then went to Argentina to work.
Here's a good sunset over Buenos Aires

Happy Birthday for next week. I found 40 to be OK, it's 41 that sneaks up on you. People don't say "Hey you look great for 41" the way they say "Hey you look great for 40" (even if they don't mean it).
On the Apple front Mark at work just managed to get Apple to swap a broken G4 for a brand new G5 after over 12 months of trying. It'd been rubbish since he first got it and always being sent back. Finally he managed to get an email address for a real person at Apple who sorted it out double quick. Did you buy it from an Apple store - you could try going in there and harassing someone as a starting point? And did I tell you about the time Jonathan Ive sent me some new batteries for my eMate?
Well done!
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