Went here yesterday. The artcarboot fair at Brick Lane. It was very busy and cost a quid to get in. It was ok. Good people watching. That's about it really. The whole point of it is that you can buy art from artists such as Sarah Lucas,Gavin Turk, Matt Collishaw, Pam Hogg et al for car boot prices. We got there quite late so perhaps missed the 'bargains'. Was interesting all the same. You could do other things like eat paella (which looked delicious) and get a tattoo or your palm read in a converted routemaster bus. There were some nice clothes and a few rip off merchants like the guy that thought £25 for a tiny hand mirror was a bargain. 'It's a nice mirror' he said 'Yeah it is' I said dreamily but also with the air of someone who knows they are being ripped off. 'Ok' he said '£20 quid' 'I think I'll have a look around first' I said wandering off towards two young girls eating left over paella out of the bin behind the food stall and then running away laughing.
Then I went to my Dad's house. This is his kitchen sideboard.
I suggested perhaps another cupboard. It drives his poor partner insane. I think she might be reading this but hopefully she won't mind! She says she's going to clear it all out when he goes away. I'm a little bit worried about when he dies as there will be SO much to sort out. He just collects and collects and collects. I mean, how many corkscrews and openers do you need?
Mind you in saying that I have just looked around and my bookshelves aren't that different - they're not just loaded with books but other misc items like old tape cassettes (no box - no player anymore come to think of it), bicycle lock (no key), broken tin toy (will never be mended), a broken Greek mask, a fading picture of my best (sadly deceased) friend (I really miss her), 3 highlighter pens and a hole punch (last used 2003 probably). Bloody hell - I'm a chip off the old block!
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