Separated at birth
I'm limbering up for the first live blog quiz over at Mollster's.
I noticed something funny today:


Mirror hair!
Actually - I don't have my fringe anymore but I couldn't help but notice the resemblance. Molly's eyes are slightly more alive and less stalker-ish than mine. I don't know how old Molly's is but mine is quite old now - off my last passport - so taken around nearly ten years ago.
Right - got to do another circuit of power-lunges and get into my Margot Leadbetter outfit for a fine half hour of quiztasticness.
Laters pop pickers!
Hello, hello..(name that song....)
It's so cold and lonely when you're 3000 light years from hooome
Hello... is anyone here?
I've had the Jim'll Fix It tune going around in my head for the last two days - I'm worried that I'm obsessive compulsive or borderline Aspergers - or just plain weird for that matter!
Why would my brain do that?
I was thinking of Public Image.
Or that Scissor sisters Pink Floyd cover
Love that Stones track, mind...
I can't believe that this is only happening to'll all wake up tomorrow and think...what on earth was that all about?
Hey hey hey
hello Billy.H.i Ro-Mo
Where's Mollster??
I might go soon as I've had a marvellous time and need to go and do something else before I go blind staring at the screen so intently. I think we should all meet up for real - it would be fun.
Well, H-E-L-L-O-O-O-O Heather!
You've heard of blogrolls *titter*
this is a blogcrawl...
Right...more blankety blank...that was funny.
I'm just making these up as I go along..
Right...I was standing on a_____________ when a hand reached up and grabbed my ___________. I looked down and said, 'Hello,___________' and then he said, 'I have a __________ back at home...but she is a _________ ____ _____ __________.'
but feel free to chat away - I might pop back later in a bit. I sort of have to go and celebrate as a prod co took three of my doc ideas on to sell to channel 4 today. It's going to be a hard slog but it's very exciting.
Yes Billster - if only we could clink glasses for real...(and probably vomit on one another etc..)
Oh please...RoMo...stay a bit more round and they are song lyrics too.
*sigh* Hi bob,
would love to meet but I am a tad too far away, will definitely be in Londinium in January however if anyone fancies meeting for a pint.
LP1...where are you? Are you still there chuckster? And I think we lost Min and Blue.
Let's all meet up somewhere. It would be funster.
oh god - I'll just stay for this.
station platform
Buie Breezer drinker
right old slapper of a mullet
No! does that not mean that my team is now severely depleted?
Right...we don't have many people left...but you can have a go at that blankety if you like.
What about Billy's local?
Right...I was standing on a landmine when a hand reached up and grabbed my atention. I looked down and said, 'Hello, Anthea Redfern' and then he said, 'I have a revolver back at home...but she is a pedigree lap sang sioux chien.'
Because it's easy to get to and fairly central from all directions if you see what I mean
I can't stop laughing at RoMo's I'm going to give her 2 points. Team 2...gawd I can't remember the's errrm...Team 1 38 and Team 2 34 I think...oh arse.
Yes...The Eagle...where is Billster?
As Ozzy once sang: I am sooooo tired (so tired) - might check in a bit later before I go to beddie byes if you are all still lurking.
Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah - I think that is one each.
Robert...that is the funniest thing ever. So funny. I think I just did something on the sofa.
bye bye loves - xx
Come on team 2 -we can win this!! (esp as team 1 have gone home...)
Nest ketiern, plays, Mostrel??
Sorry me internet went haywire. Yes the Eagle is good. There are many fine boozers in up London though.
mwah to you too Rockmother, I shall be adding you to my links this very evening.
I wonder where Billy has gone? Anyways...Heather has an unfair disadvantage now...she is the only one left on Team 1.
..but you can't leave it there Mrs. Ro....
Oh god - ok I'll stay to equalise - just like Edwards Woodward!
You too Swipe, try not to get too excited.
Ahh Edwud Wudwud, you are a good woman RoMo.
You lot are bloody mad.
...too late, H... lyric round...fill in the gaps..
1. Please, please, let me get what I ______________.
2. Eat y'self ______________.
3. I'll be your ______________.
4. She wore big knickers and worked down ___________ __________.
5. Charlton Heston put his _________ _____.
6. Please, help me make it through the __________.
7. Frankly Mr. Shankly since you ______, you are a flatulent pain in the ________.
I had that Edward Woodward in the back of my cab once...
erm, if I had a cab that is.
We have been doing a quiz - first at Molly's then Billy's then Swipe's and now mine!
1. Let me get what I want- the Smiths
her legs
hand on my thigh
ask, arse
Can anyone remember the build up to that gag where the punchline is EE-WAH=WOO-WAH???
Team 1...I like it...Team 1 42 points.
4. The sewage farm
substitute (or prostitute as we used to sing!)
the mines
hat on
Billy - you are well cool. That's another 10 points for Team 2. 44 and move into the lead. I hope you are listening 2 are now leading with 44
enough already! I'm really going now. xxxxxxxxxxxx got them all...
7. Flatulent, arse
Her name was Pauline she lived in a {fiddles around for ages trying to make that underscore effect wot Molly just done..]
I just remembered I was gan do this in Geordie like, though but?
Bye RoMo...we love youxx
Actually I should make it clear that Charlton Heston has never come on to me. Ever.
oops- too late
Big power lunges all round! hurrah!
Robert...would you like to take over for a bit? Why don't you do a quiz on the lot of us...
Night night Ro-Mo -I'll be up to tuck you in shortly. Try not to fart too often - the sheets were freesh on this a.m....
Bye RoMo, sleep sweet x
I reckon Team 2 just 'swiped' it there at the end with 44 points. Don't you?
Lunging is the new rock 'n' roll, don't you know?
What was the first Motown single (artist & title)??
C'mon Bobster...quiz us a bit...I want to answer some questions...I have some more...but I think I did ok thinking on my feet.
bah! it was all unfair, if there was a ref I'd say nasty things about him behind his back.
I've just been reading through the comments and I only have one thing to say:
# Your letter was only the start of it
# One letter, and now you're a part of it...
Come on everyone... join in.
Was it Mary J. 'Come to me'
Was it not Bad Girl by the Miracles Bob?
Was it Mary J. 'Come to me'
I'm sorry Heather...I'll post up the other bits of the quiz during the week and it might all changexx
No no no, it was My Beloved by the Satintones of course!
Was it not Bad Girl by the Miracles Bob?
that was the first hit, h, but not the first single. Ace though it fact, I must Bobcast that one....
Was it Barrett Strong: 'Money' That's what I want (deedeedee)
Ah yes the Motown, the sound of young America...
I'm just stalling, I don't know the answer.
Wasn't the last one something like No Diggity though?
Oh nonsense Molly, I've had a ball, it's been a brilliant laugh.
Shall I tell you??
or Rick James?
Or shoparound by the Miracles. God I'm really slurring now...ooohllaaalaaaa.
My Beloved by the Satintones!
2,000 points to the Molllster - I didn't see her answer untill after I'd posted the shall I tell you bit.
What does the LP in LP Hartley stand for (this should sort the men from the boys...)
Sometimes couldn't you just get Billy and squeeze him?
Leslie Polls
It was Barrett Strong with Money, btw
That should be Poles of course
The Marvelettes Please Mr Postman
Leslie Poles.
Lesley Poles
"Sometimes couldn't you just get Billy and squeeze him?"
Oh gosh... ahem... yes
(I seem to be turning into Hugh Grant)
Oooh, did I get it...woah, woah..wait a minute Mr. Postman..
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Like Poles
andy War Poles
Like Poles...
Ching kerching kerching ker ching kerching ker ching ker cjing kerching kerchingkercjhing,,,
I now have Please Mr Postman stuck in my head... what would clear that out?
Je voudrais le prochain quesioneee
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hello again Ro-Mo.
Where would you find the avenue of Discord??
"Sometimes couldn't you just get Billy and squeeze him?"
Oh gosh... ahem... yes
(I seem to be turning into Hugh Grant)
Aww bless, you English fopp!
Robert..I think you should lie down for a moment. I shall ask another question if you don't.
On the Illa de la Discordia (avenue of discord) in Barcelona
wasn't Andy Warhol's name actually Warhola?
What is the link between the names Penelope and Molly?
Christ on a bike Billy - babe magnet or what??
Your worse than La-di-da Gunner Ferchrissakes..
I'm going to be in work tomorrow and someone's going to say to me "What did you do last night?"
What can I tell them?
Christ you're good H...
Penelope is the character is the Odyssey who is the equivalent of Molly Bloom in Ulysses i.e. the wife of Odysses/Leo Bloom the wanderer.
It's the Penelope episode of Joyce's Ulysses that Molly Bloom appears in.
And on that note.....heavily sedated.....
Bah, Billy beat me to it.
I'm back - was too hungry to go to bed - having a bowl of cereal
oh no - are you all going to bed now?
Welcome back RoMo!
We've lost Molly again.
Do you want to move on to another place or would you prefer to call it a day?
Heather - you never said you were 22....
Aren't you breaking your curfew being up this late communicating with a known paedophile and menace to society. And Me and Molly...
Billy - I know what you mean - do you feel sort of well, like no one else would understand?
ok - let's stop, halt. araf for those in Wales.
Night night. Again!
Right, I'm orf to pitch my Bobcasts on myspace to a bunch of gothettes splattered in fek blood...
Same time next week??
If it ends it ends, this makes me sad, but I have had a great time.
Nice to meet you H. (and, in the nicest possible sense ---- PHWOAR!!)
See you soon Ro-Mo and thanks fro the Tom ketch sandwich.
Ta-ra Billy...
Night night Mollster - and thanks for the idea - wouldn't have happened wi'out you wee lassie..
good night everybody, everywhere...
Ta bob, well I guess this is goodnight everyone, I've had fun. Speak to you all (via comments) soon. Sleep sweet x.
Wake up UK.
Is this like Mornington Crescent?
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