Just in time for tea

It's a bit of a mixed bag this week due to some bad news yesterday - hope you all enjoy it - I won't take offence if you don't! Er...and the levels are a bit all over the place so hover over your volume dials for fear of unexpected imminent deafness. I'm on a bit of a roll - might attempt another one tonight.......
Bubbly bye my little fluffy bloggereesters xx
first in! just listened to it, 'Focus' been listening to them for years..saw them a couple of years ago (reformed)
trouble with your gearbox? sounds painful.
Johnny 'guitar' Watson always a winner, did a lot of stuff with the late great F.Zappa, "In France" springs to mind.
Lou Reed! you certainly hit the right buttons on this podcast RoMo, you haven't by any chance heard the 'Metal Machine Music' (think that's what it's called) have you? no, well good, it's four sides of total mind numbing repetitiveness, glad his other stuff was never like that.
like many things that end on tragedy music will always help to reinforce the soul! play on...
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Bloody comment box, first it tells me 'could not connect' then I do it again to find it did! so I removed the second one..ramble ramble...
Blimey Jifdump - do you have a hotline to Switchpod or something? That was very swift. Glad you liked it. I forgot about Metal Machine...take that back - I haven't listened to all of it as you are right - it's a bit heavy going.
Did you like my switchpod operator?
Do I have a hot line? well, no, but that time of day I am waking as it were from the N.shift, time to catch up with the bloogies? I linked to your site and "Hey Presto"
there you were. 'spy ring' anyone?
The operator was cool, include her again...in fact you could strike up quite a rapport with her!
Yay! I can actually download it! I'm so glad you are back my lovely. I am just listening to it now and up to 'Focus'
It's been sad without you...and I'm sorry if I don't comment as much...and I haven't been around. Like you, I have been working my butt off.
We were worried about you though..I'd just like to say that I was the *first* to notice that you couldn't get on your blog and sent out the rescue teams. That's dedication for you.
Oooh, disco. I like to shake my booty. But, sadly, it reverberates right across London to North London!
Hope you didn't have some bad news RoMosterxxxx Sending big hugs to youxxxxxxxx
Fabbo podcast favoritest yet - comments being very odd tonight (not comments left but how blogger is leaving comments - weird) Glad you've returned to the fold
Oooh...who is that Tony Rome fella? He sounds cool.
Jifdump - glad you like the switch-op and not quite so glad about spyring propspects but hey ho..
Molly - hurrah - it's nice to be back too. Yes I did have bad news although it was more of a shock than anything else. It was my friend that has just had her life blown out of the water. All is clear on the pod - it was a spur of the moment thing and not planned and I nearly deleted it but then I thought I would be betraying my intentions and feelings at that particular point in time so I didn't. Needless to say I did have a bit of a blub afterwards but I feel better now.
Thank you for sending the fire brigade when I went missing 3000 light years from home the other week. Hope ou are ok. xx
Jools - so glad you thought it was the best yet - funny - I was worried that is was the worst! I aim to please - starting another one up shortly - should be up tonight.
Love to you and Sophie...hope you are okxxx Sending big hugs.
Molly - I love that song - haven't heard it for ages
Thanks - I'm fine - I'm more worried about her - it's awful.
Van isn't everyone's cup of tea but I think that song is one of the most beautiful ever written (he didn't write it - it's an old traditional song that he adapted). It expressed lots of things at the time. She will never hear it but I did it anyway.
Thanks for your kind words. xx
Marvellous Ro-Mo, excellent stuff.
I prefer Lou Reed to that Frankie Teardrop anyway.
I've put some disco on my forthcoming podcast (for Betty) as well.
Billster - hurray - hopefully she won't desert us now?
I'm looking forward to listening to this...anything with Focus in it deserves careful scrutiny. Busy at the mo, will listen in about 2 days from now.
I'll probably have done another by then. You'll have two to listen to - hopefully not when you are operating machinery of a transport nature or torturing the kittens that is. Oh no, not the kittens. Spare the kittens - looks like Swipe's having them thanks to you threatening an outing!
Thanks for the dedication. I was discoing around the kitchen in one of those huge t-shirts that ties at the side and some shocking pink satin trousers (not true. My life's not quite that interesting).
I won't be giving up blogging just yet - well, as long as there are one or two people still reading. Unfortunately I'm prone to toddler tantrums when I comment and post, and it all gets out of hand. I blame the East European side of the family for all the melodrama.
Anyway, the last dedication on the podcast certainly puts my own self pitying whingeing into perspective.
"thanks to you threatening an outing"
Why, where are we going?
A very emotional cast - I don't know how you held it together to do one, let alone two. I'll try and listen to #6 tonight.
Thoughts are with you and Sophie and family.
Speak soon,
Absolutely cracking RoMo!
Where do ya get the inspiration for switch op / silly bint characters from?
And as always...an excellent assortment of tracks. Cheers.
Fantastic podcast Romo. You played Midnight Train to Georgia,yeah!!!
I agree about the backing vocals especially the WOOO WOOO bit. I always sing along as a Pip rather than Gladys.
Sorry to hear about your friend, terrible really.
What! don't like 'spyring' that is a great game, by 'Waddingtons' I believe, used to play it all the time!
Istvanski - cheers - glad you lked it - as for inspiration - um - I just make it all up as I go along spur of the moment stylie.
Realdoc - thank you - yes that Woo hoo on the Pips is my best bit too
JDA - aah - the Waddingtons days..
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