Tag - you're it

I've been tagged - not like Pete Burns on his new carcrashtelly show but cybernetically tagged. It's actually the second time I've been tagged. The first time was by the very clever nevertrustahippy but it was so long - about 40 things you had to write about yourself I just couldn't bear to go there. I'm quite shy really you know. Anyway - the also very clever and I've always imagined extremely elegant Arabella has gone and tagged me. I couldn't bear to let her down so here goes....
1. If my shoes don't match my handbag, I'm even happier.
2. The first record I bought was 'Hong Kong Garden' by Siouxsie and the Banshees and "What Do I Get by The Buzzcocks - on the same day at the same time £1.20 for two singles from Earls Court Road
3. One of the things I like to eat is: baked salmon in lemon and herbs with quinoa and spinach with goats yoghurt on the side - and beetroot!
4. A few years ago I considered becoming a mentor for kids struggling at school and/or homeopath
5. I miss the never-ending perfect feeling of the heatwave in 1976. We watched the Wimbledon Final on the tv in the garden and the top melted in the sun while we were eating fresh peaches and the juice was running down our arms. And sometimes when I see things of real beauty like the light in the trees at a certain time of day I really miss my friend Abbie and wish she could see it too. I've only just realised that it's ok to miss people and that that feeling never really goes away.
I think I've done this wrong - I might have to do it again later - I just copied Arabella's subjects rather than telling you 5 random things about me - derrrrr
1 . sometimes I appear thick but really I'm not!
'Remember that it isn't always the sensational stuff that writers are looking for; it can just as easily be something that you take for granted, like having raised twins or knowing how to grow beetroot. Mind you, if you know how to fly a helicopter or have worked as a film extra, do feel free to let the rest of us know about it.'
Over to Istvanski, Bob Swipe and Firsty
By the way - look what I found while I was looking for a picture of a tagged ankle - why on earth would anyone want to manufacture or buy these revolting boots?

woops- i done did this one week before last. five things about me, right? yeah. unless you insist.
spectacularly hijjus boots. for boyscouts on the moon?
I challenge any one to find a hand bag to match those boots.
Yay Firsty - of course you did - apologies - I'm having an airhead day
whooosh - can you hear that? That's the sound of air rushing from one side of my head to the other
Arabella - surely it's not possible - aren't they truly horrible? What were they thinking of when they designed those? Ordure methinks.
You mean somebody designed them on purpose?
That's weird! I tagged myself the other day.
The summer of 75....Ahhh I remember it well! halcyon days.
Connoisseur of fine foods with a penchant for seafood or fish? and Lobster I believe?
I'm sure there is more?
Oh, by the way...Istvanski has already done it!
"We were eating fresh peaches and the juice was running down our arms..."
And you wanted to be a mentor for struggling kids, RoMo?
I'll have you know the authorities wouldn't allow it...
Did the tagged thing in a post dated 14th November.
Realdoc - aren't they awful?
Jif - wasn't it 1976?
and lobster? where did you get that from? Scallops and caviar maybe...
I'm crap at tags and tagging aren't I - I'm sure everyone I've tagged has already done it! Oh well.
Ister - that was a genuine memory off the cuff I'll have you know - that's the last time I do a tag thing! And I WOULD like to work with kids that need help but you are right - if any authorities saw this blog I might be rejected immediately for being very silly.
ermmmm.....I'm not sure, I have conflicting memories?
Lobster...one of your posts from the archives! proof mate...you put it in writing...I rest my case.
Well I really enjoyed it RoMoster.
But promise me you won't buy those boots. Urgh!
I was reading your back catalogue the other day and you seem to have two birthdays a year. Is this correct? Or what? Are you the Queen with a really cool blog? I hope so.
I think I saw one in June and one in March. Or maybe I was just seeing double...too much sherry.
Molly - you are mad - my birthday is on 24th Jan - and is officially the most depressing day of the year - see here
Jif - hhmm...maybe it was 1975? I smoked too much dope at some point evidently and it has created a few black holes in my memory bank.
Lobster - bloody hell - short term memory loss or pre-alzheimers - I have to check me archive mate.
Although there was a fairly hot summer in 1975, it was in 1976 that we had the long rain-free summer where the government had to appoint a Minister For Drought.
As Max Bygraves sang in an all singing, all dancing musical tribute on telly a couple of years later "I'll never forget the summer and the drought of '76". See, that's the sort of rubbish that sticks in my selective memory. Pathetic.
Betty - thanks - I KNEW I was right!
I'm gonna be having a wisdom tooth extracted on the very next day after my birthday. Do birthdays get any worse than that?
Ist - no - they probably don't - I'm allergic to dentists
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