I'm With The Band
Weird things happened to me this weekend.
Firstly, I won £40 on a horse. It was called Beef or Salmon and won in the 4.00 @ Leopardstown on Saturday. I normally only confine myself to the Grand National when it comes to a flutter as I am unnaturally lucky and am therefore prone to liking gambling - pontoon, roulette that sort of thing if and when I get the chance which is thankfully very rarely. A friend called up to say he had had a tip on a horse. I looked at the paper and studied the form. I decided to go against his tip and follow my own hunch. And I won! As a rule - I only bet on Irish horses/Irish trainers - the best in the world as far as I am concerned. Anyway - that's enough of my latent gambling habit.
I fell asleep last night and had the most extraordinary dream that I was really cool, dressed in black and at least a sylph-like size 0 and on tour.....with.......these guys

And then I got tagged for another meme by Kattypuss.
I've apparently got to write 6 or 7 weird things about myself. Well, see above! I don't think I need to add anymore. Apart from the fact that I occasionally wear odd socks because I like to. I like cold rice pudding. And I'm evidently the only person in England that enjoys reading anything written by Janet Street-Porter. In moments of anxiety (sometimes in meetings without realising) I clutch and squeeze my left boob with nerves while I'm trying to explain something. Right that's enough.
I'm off to catch the tourbus.
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Good dream!
Last night iI dreamt I was supposed to be catching the Space Shuttle to somewhere (not sure where). Except it was a sunday and it didn't seem to be running. Very odd.
Definitely not as good as being in a band...
I have the dream where I know all the words to Madame Butterfly and give a marvelous performance as Cio Cio San. It's a very satisfying dream.
Someone told me that singing dreams are usually pre-menstrual. What about men's singing dreams, though?
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Philthy!! He lives in LA nowadays you know. Won't talk to his old mates.
Dreams? I'm always too inebriated to remember them.
I've never dreamt about Motorhead. I'm missing out.
I once jammed with Oasis. In a studio with acoustic guitars.
I once dreamt about making jam, but not with Oasis or acoustic guitars.
PS where's the podcast at, did I miss it?
Dear All - thank you for your comments Bit pissed - gone out for a work do and am blogging from the office avec wine and crsps - Realdoc - no - I lost the will to podcast as I got a crisis of confidence but will do so this week x
next time you dream about him, tell him to get rid of the freakin' carcinomas already? it's not like he's too poor to afford a mirror or something.
looks like a couple of half-chewed raisins stuck on. disgusting.
tag me! tag me!
ooh ooh I tag Firsty - go Firsty go Firsty !
I'm sure I've dreamt of being in a band, or having a band in me, or something. I can't remember who they were, which is probably par for the course for dreaming about being a stoned groupie.
I had a strange dream about the Gladiators TV show once though ....
i think, overall, it would be better not to go into too much detail about my jeremy paxman dream
I once dreamt that Cream invited me on stage for a jam with them. My guitar was plugged into a tiny amp via a red curly lead that was really short and if I walked more than one pace from the amp, the curliness stretched to maximum and the lead started to crackle and looked set to unplug. the crowd were getting annoyed and Ginger Baker kept throwing me furious, sunken-cheeked glances.
What do you think it means?
Can I clutch and squeeze your left boob with nerves while you're trying to explain something?
I love you RoMoster. Happy Valentinoxxx
Llewtrah - Gladiators? Not Wolf - please don't say it was Wolf?
Mad Muthas - hah! Would Jezzer not take no for an answer?
Jimmy Page's Trousers - welcome to Romoworld - your dream sounds GREAT - shame about the short curly wire - anxiety I reckon.
Mucky Bugger - er..splutter splutter...feeling a bit faint....Mr Rigsby! Am currently resisting clutching my own left boob nervously in Starbucks after reading such a comment.
A friendxxx - erm - thank you - very kind whoever you are - such flattery - my goodness - I am blushing.
I squeeze both boobs in moments of anxiety. It is very comforting...
And also wear odd socks. But only because I can't find matching ones and now I am so heavily pregnant I'm not going to crawl around on the floor, wasting my time, trying to match them up.
i seem to recall it was i that would not take no for an answer!
Katty - hurray - a fellow boob squeezer odd-sock wearer!
Mad Muthas - oh - I see
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