I did Sensible and Iggy In One day
Yesterday was quite a day of unexpected, no-holds-barred, unadulterated full-on rockmania in Romoworld. At lunchtime, I happened to bump into all time splendid musician and most recently political campaigner Mr Captain Sensible staging a small but perfectly formed demonstration in Soho Square. I shamefully introduced myself, had my photo taken and had rather a good chat about well, politics really - oh and the fact that no one had rehearsed much for the 30 year reunion Damned gig at the 100 Club in April. What a lovely charming man he was. Very nice to meet you Captain if you are reading (which you said you would!). Mail addresses have been exchanged.
After all that excitement I skipped off down to the Royal Festival Hall for the second time in three days to meet another fellow enthusiast. This time it was Iggy and The Stooges. Where do I start? From the second Iggy Pop explo-skipped onto the stage in a characteristically foul-mouthed and very loud lurch I tell you I saw God. In his trademark brown-bare, flay-scarred chest, jeans and non-descript boots his stomach looked twisted and pulsated with his every out breath. The affected movement was disturbingly like the stirrings of 'alien' before it ripped forth in the film of the same title. I wondered if his back hurt - he's formed a funny shape with all that long-term posturing. There were what looked like two car headlights either side of the drum podium. They flared unbearably bright and all I could think of was here we go, we are the passengers, this is the ride. By the second song Iggy had thrown himself into the stalls. By song four - No Fun - everyone from the stalls were free-forming, writhing and shouting onstage with little Iggy in the middle who was busy being stroked with sweaty furtive hands and being covered in utter adulation. Not bad for an OAP. But he's not. He is a carefree, androdgynous child who flutters and twists and turns in the most fuck you but come and get me kind of way. He makes Mick Jagger look like a Girl Guide. The performance was faultless. A little sprite that no one could quite catch and he knew it. I think by the next song he had simulated intercourse with both the stage and the amp. Later on - he shagged the drum kit in full-flow. After that episode a roadie who was dressed in an unusual red and white country and western shirt re-adjusted the stands in a very businesslike but quite jobsworth manner. Meanwhile Iggy hoicked up his jeans, poured another bottle of water over himself and howled like a tortured minibeast. Another younger roadie ran on earnestly for the ninth time to wipe the stage with a towel. Iggy skipped over the debris. The band were tight tight tight. Incredible. The sound was impeccable. 'I Feel Alright' was particularly outstanding - the syncopated rhythms tumbling over each other at different speeds punctuated with Iggy's grunts and further off-beat timing. Steve Mackay was introduced on saxophone - not everyone's cup of tea but worked brilliantly in an X-Ray Spex kind of way. As the gig went on, Iggy became more and more theatrical - lots of hyena howling and slight narrative forays into the dark side. His shadow gianormous on the side wall as he pranced across the headlights - big Iggy satyr shadow. He played on his demanding side shouting like a petulant child for the lights to go on. Our arms reached out to him. We all felt exposed. I guess that was the point. A bit like sex with the light on. In the latter part of the evening he shouted for 'a fucking beer'. It appeared stage right within 10 seconds. Awfully serious Country and Western shirt man again. Iggy downed it in all of 30 secs and then proceeded to smash it to bits on the mic stand. We all went wild. He is the consummate wild one. The disturbed child writhing and kicking indiscriminately at anything. Rolling around on the floor shouting, arched back, loving no one and doing exactly as he pleases. And then bam. Over. Lights up all gone. Iggy skipped off the way he came and the band just finished and left. The best way. Magical. I saw the light and it was Iggy and the Stooges. I will never be the same again.

oooh - iggy's legend! (as the young folk say) he's the genuine article. fantastic! i'd love to see him live.
Blow me down. Feel like i was there, wish I could've been to be honest...
Are you sure that was the captain? Looks a bit like Paul O'Grady to me.*
You had a helluva day didn't you?
damn girl..you did GOOD!
Ha! That is such a cool photo (the top one I mean - look at you all chilled out amidst the protesting chaos).
It doesn't get much better than this, does it?
Good on ya Rosta!
That photo of Iggy grimacing - nice body, but a face for Munterspace I'm afraid. Isn't he famed for not wearing undies>
Good question Llewtrah.
Over to you RoMo...? ;-)
llewtrah - funny - it's the shoulder veins that make me want to hurl but the face isn't that bad when it isn't so lopsided. He generally likes to flash his winkle around - sadly I didn't see it the other night though. I might have attempted a quick grope if I had been stage-dived on though!
Ooh - simultaneous commenting - hello everyone!
I was actually going to post up a nude photo of Iggy but do you get chucked off Blogger for pictures showing people's bits?
Nah, I think GWAOTM got away with it.
Brilliant, Ash, brilliant!
Ister - yes but this is full frontal?
Wavy - is that you? It must be as you are the only person I know who looked like that once! x
Great report rockmum. But I'm not sure precisely what Captain and his team were protesting against. Foul-mouthed handicapped people was it?
Now how do you have a weekend to top that?
got the pics..ya'll are too adorable for words! ;)
Dickley - why thank you - I am blushing! I just wrote how I saw it. Protest - no! a worthy cause - a big lack of disabled parking spaces/street access and selfish nitwits parking in disabled spaces too no doubt!
Arabella - oh I'm pushing the boat out manning the tombola stall for half an hour at Son of Romo's school fair tomorrow. I might do some washing, cleaning and then pour myself a glass of fine red wine later on in the day. Really rocking - hope you are impressed! I might play some loud music to annoy the neighbours at some point. Perhaps I should do another podcast....? Lemmy might pop by for a nightcap about eleven. So..nothing much really.
Sav - how can you say that? I had big dark 'I've just been sick' panda bags underneath my eyes! But thank you for being so polite shooogah! x
For the sake of accuracy, those pics were taken pre-vom if I remember correctly! And the shadows were due to the dark-dingy-underrailwayarches pub effect, (an expensive add-on to my camera).
There was a documentary on Iggy on television a year or so ago. I noticed that, despite the torso still holding up, he'd developed a bit of a pot belly. Made me feel slightly less bothered about the ageing process - even Iggy Pop has a bit of a gut these days.
Haven't been hanging about with any rockers, but we did see a bloke in a Cornish cafe who looked uncannily like Bill Clinton. He was eating a huge plate of pasty and chips.
Where did it all go wrong?
oh man, did that blow me away? fantastic post, rocky! fantastic!
it's just all one big whirl of celebs and flashbulbs for you, isnt it? all slouched up against the taxicab, romo insouciant, sinister with shouty man rampant! jesus christ.
me? i painted the porch.
More rock n roll!
Get you, too cool for school in that picture.
And Iggy - *would*, even still...
Great post, RoMo...
Howeser - I look like I'm on the train in that picture - I can see the blue of the seats no?
Betty - it's quite staggering Iggy is still alive let alone as fit as he is. I think he must be very lucky genetically but 40 years of bending backwards and whirling around might have something to do with it. It gives me hope. Clinton and Hilary enjoying pasties - how lovely. Hope you had a nice time.
Firstyness - oh - glad you enjoyed it - I just tipped it all out of my head the next evening whilst watching crap telly! Oh no - don't be fooled - Iggy Pop on Wednesday and manning the bloody tombola stall at Son of Romo's school fair by saturday amidst a flurry of all weekend tidying up, cleaning, making baroque knights out of lego and early night. Rocktastic!
Annie - I know - I don't really know how I improve on a week like that. I am exhausted from so much whooping and clapping and two bouts of 48 ear ringing. I wasn't too cool for school at all - I was feeling a bit like a twat if truth be known by collaring a well-known person on the street and introducing myself! As for Iggy - after seeing him in the skipping skittish flesh I most certainly would.
Annie - I meant 48hr ear ringing. Eh? What?
Hurrah for you, RM. What a rocktastic time you've had lately.
Be warned however, that Iggy is no longer fully human. Although his head remains human, his body has long since been replaced by a thin, leather man-suit filled with weasels and wire-rope.
You are indeed the mother of all rock!
My mate did Iggy's PR a few years back. She said he was the nicest, most intelligent rock star she'd ever worked with. So nice to have independent confirmation of what we already knew.
My big sis had a flingette with him, must be back at the end of the seventies or very early eighties - bit of a groupie thing I guess.
This sends shivers down my spine:
Said shake appeal, move so fast on me
Shake appeal, move so fast to see
Move so fast, move so fast
Move little misery
I said shake appeal, feel so high and low
Shake appeal, feel so high and low
High and low baby high and low
Never really gotta go, never really gotta go
Never really gotta go, never really gotta go
Gotta go, never really gotta go, ah
Said shake appeal, baby fits so tight
Shake appeal, baby with your fits so tight
Fits so tight, fits so tight, realize you gotta fight
Realize you gotta fight, realize you gotta fight
Baby gotta have a fight
Gotta fight, baby realize you gotta fight
Hum hum hum shake appeal
Hum hum hum sex appeal
Jimmy Page's Troosers - yes - quite rocktastic indeed thank you Jimmy
Urban Woo-ness Lady - I'm glad to hear it - Mr Pop or 'Jim' to his friends comes across as extremely intelligent and nice. And I'm further glad he survived to perform as well as he has been with his original line-up in the last few years.
Ivan - Whaaaat? That's an incredible story - I take it you mean Iggy? Late 70's early 80's was his most 'fragile' time wasn't it?
when you say 'would' - do you mean both of them? or just the captain? i saw iggy on jonathon ross t'other night and was freaked out by his big snowy white teeth. so at odds with the rest of his gnarly persona!
Rivergirlie - yes I was a bit freaked out by Iggy's more than perfect plasto-teeth the other night on Wossy! But I still *would*
Iggy and rare steak.
There's no accounting for taste.
Ister - I would eat rare steak off any part of Iggy Pop's body if need be (apart from the bobbly veiny top right chest bit which might make me gag).
hope you're getting some rest..i miss you, sugar! :(
Savannahmama - no - no rest unfortunately - massive workload - finish next week. Normal service will be resumed at some point soon but have currently been working two days with 6 hrs sleep. Not glamorous. I wish I was normal and just worked in a shop.
a google search titled 'geoff capes naughty pics' landed on my blog today. i thought that might raise a romo titter
romo - where art thou?
Poddle - that's hilarious! Yes - it made me laugh xx
Rivergirlie - thank you for being so kind to ask - am absolutely exhausted doing 20 hr days and have a lot on my plate. Will be back by next week. x
take care - take vitamins. x
Rivergirlie - thank you - have been craving spinach and smoked mackerel which means I need Iron and Vit A I think. Guess what I'm having for supper?! All of the above with brown rice - yum!
just coming by to see how you are?
Hello Katty
I know I shouldn't moan seeing as I am not the new mother of twins (and you are!) - but am currently quite seriously exhausted. Back soon. thanks for dropping by xx
Great review, I've never been to see Iggy, thought did see The Damned just before Christmas in Belfast, it was fantastic.
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