Two Things Times Two

Two things I find it impossible to do:
(a) walk slowly
(b) walk and read at the same time
Point (b) was inspired by being stuck behind a woman on the tube veering worryingly on the platform because she was reading and walking at the same time last week.
Two questions:
(a) what is your preferred method of reading?
(b) what are the two things you can't do?
And one extra question that has been bugging me all week - do they recycle all the mounds of Metro's and London Lite's that are strewn around the tube each day and make them into new ones or is there a big papier mache ball factory somewhere?

Labels: things papier mache ball man
a) I like reading in the bath, and in bed. Prefer listening to music on the tube.
b) Can't ride a bike. Or drive. I make a useless grownup.
I have to read books without musical accompaniment. Although I can read blogs and newspapers and listen to music.
Nobody walks and reads around here. We're all too busy avoiding the dog shit.
Oh I can't read in the bath, I'm paranoid I'll drop the book.
I can read with musical accompaniment though.
I'm a useless grownup who can't drive as well. Mind you, I can read just about anywhere. Are the two things linked?
I don't know if the Metros and London Lites are recycled, but all the showbiz stories and letters are sent away to a big factory to be recycled and used again a few days later.
Haven't read a book in years, but when I read I must have a comfortable chair; pleanty of light, and absolutely nobody to disturb me.
Two things- Jes, there must be hundreds.
1.Pick my nose and ride a bike (hitting a bump is murder).
2. Sing a melody, while there is the slightest bit of background music/song on the radio.
Preferred method of reading would be on a sun lounger in the Maldives, with a non-alcoholic fruit cocktail.
Can't do:
1. Read whilst being driven in a car sitting in the front seat - for some reason it makes me feel nauseous.
2. Play drums.
I like to read books with my feet up. Has to be quiet.
Can't swing-dance and talk at the same time.
Annie - yep - reading in the bath and in bed are my favourites.
Geoff - I agree - I am the same. Blogs and newspapers no problem but I can't even read on the tube if it is too noisy
Billy - I went through a phase of reading in the bath and kept getting the bottom third of all the pages wet
Betty - yes - all those recycled texts: To the Roland Orzabal look a like on the platform at South Woodford last week. You winked I smiled. Kicking myself now. Fancy a hot beverage sometime? Give me a shout (it all out!)
Seanster - oh I absolutely concur - comfort, light, no noise re: reading although I am quite skillful at singing a melody if I can hear a bit of music in the background but only if it isn't blaring out
Ister - oh god - reading in a car is instant spew for me too and playing drums too - too much coordination
Arabellakins - ooh sorry - our paths must have crossed in the cyber-ether.
Yes - quiet reading on the whole is the only way forward
dancing and talking is quite difficult I agree - shuffling and talking is ok though which is what most people do when they are trying to talk and dance at the same time I have noticed (unless you are The Green Goddess or Crazy Lizzie from the 80''s!)
In my comfy armchair by the sitting-room window on a rainy day. I like occasionally looking at the wet people walking by (not for any mean, sadistic reason - I just like it).
Two things:
Can't touch my toes without bending my knees. Never saw the point - they bend for a reason.
Can't tolerate Richard Littlejohn and whatever imagined hobby-horse he may be on at any given time.
aha! foundja.
reading-i have to have a television programme on that I can ignore but also stand to glance up at once in awhile. reading in a silent house doesn't work for me; i get freezing cold and startle easy. nobody wants me screaming every time the refrigerator motor kicks on.
things i can't do at the same time? enjoy the attentions of a gentleman with a dog in the room. CANNOT.
Read in bed. Great way to nod off.
I can't simultaneously catch up on world events and think of witty comments for rockmum.
Jimmy Mr Pages Troosers - yes - don't you split in half if you don't bend your knees? I know what you mean about reading in when it's wet outside - makes you feel cosy and secure
HRH Firstness - oh no - all pets must be banished! That's so funny - hope you are ok and not too frazzled by recent (happy) events x
Dickley - yes - I often wake up with the light on and a book on my face! Re: your other comment - I'm glad to see you have got your priorities in the right place! x
Yay Ladybird books!!
I can't walk slowly (I can if I try hard, but I get irritated) or walk and read at the same time.
I like to read sitting in bed, preferably with some music playing to drown out distractions. I can't read in the bath because I am too short-sighted to read without glasses and my glasses steam up in the bath!
Beautiful heartbreaking decay
Flickr: Detroit Public Schools Book Depository/ Roosevelt Warehouse
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