Today We Are One Two Three FOUR!
Lawks a lordy.
A Hazy Day Today Is Officially 4 years old today.
4 years
1460 days
35040 hours
2102400 minutes
1.2614400 seconds Error! (I am doing this on a calculator)
397 posts
50363 hits (harrumph - is that all?!)
68264 page views
43 page views a day on average
17 podcasts
‘Eve Pollard tights’ most searched for item on my sitemeter…..
I will let you into a few birthday secrets....
(a) my real name isn’t really Rockmother in case you were wondering but I can do a mean impression of Olive from On the Buses with my reading glasses on – when I can find them
(b) this blog is only called a hazy day today because I didn’t know what on earth I was doing when I first set it up and if you can be bothered to trawl through the archives you will note that the very first post was called “A Hazy Day Today”. Yes. Exactly. I wanted it to be called Rockmother in gothic leather effect metallic script and everything but I don’t know what happened to that 4 hours of furrowed brow formatting – lost forever in the blogosphere somewhere hopefully bringing great joy to someone somewhere
(c) since then I have self-taught myself the rudiments of code but not enough to make links within comments like clever people like Slaminsky
(d) I need to add at least another 18 people to my blogroll – you all know who you are - I apologise profusely – I am rather bloglazy but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you
(e) here is one of my favourite songs for each and every one of my readers and lovely friends – I dedicate this to all of you - arse - I can't embed it - you will have to download it HERE

(f) Cake anyone? Profuse licking on this occasion is most definitely allowed.
(g) Oo-er madam!
(h) A kiss for each and every one of you mwahmwahmwahmwahmwahmwahmwahmwahmwah
Is that enough?
Don't forget to blow out the candles when you go to bed.
Labels: Yo shortie it's yer birthday
congratulations, sugar! *happy dancing for you* 4 years! wow! that is impressive, but then again, so are you! ;-) xoxoxxo
Happy Birthday RM! as Savannah said, VERY impressive. Hope i'm still here moaning about stuff at 4!
Happy Birthday to YOU, you are a wonder and a marvel. I tried to send the HTML for links but the comments box won't let me - I'll email it.
Kisses right back at you! xxx
Happy Birthday Rockmother, enjoy the cakes.
Many happy returns. All the best blogs are four years old this year, don't y'know.
Mind you, it's 10.27 and a bit early in the day for drinking, even by my usual standards ...
Hi Mum, you'll always be rockmother to me.
Happy Birthday dear Darling, happy Birthday to you.
Love you rockmother- you're the best.
Happy Birthday Rocker
*puckers up for a birthday smacker*
Hope you'll be raising a glass and shaking a leg to celebrate 4 years on the blog - keep those winners coming.
I've got the perfect Beastie Boys bootleg rarity I'll dig out for you and drop in later -
actually it's at the end of
this minimix of mine if you fancy a sneaky preview
It seems unoriginal to say 'happy birthday' after seven other comments. I wish I'd gotten here earlier.
Four years is impressive, RM. I'm a mere whippersnapper compared to your time at the rock-face (see what I did there?).
Ooh, how exciting! Belated happy returns to you and your wonderful blog!
Many happy returns, Romo.
We blogging vets have got to keep fighting the fight, got to keep leaving our mark.
"Hey kid, rock and roll, rock on."
Happy birthday, favourite blogging lady! Drink overdue, I think...x
I am there! 4, I think?
Savmarshmamama - oh - thank you - xx
Pilester - goodness - such compliments - thank you - I hope you are still here writing as well as you do in years to come
Miss Slammers - no one has salled me that before - thank you dear. xx
Janester - cakes were good xx
Bettster - what you mean you haven't cracked out the Toffee Breezers yet? xx
Reggiedarling - "I've been to Rockmotheeer but I've never beeen to meeee" x
Momomadster - love you too Momo - as better as all the rest...
Mr Mondo Bongo - ooh cool - I am just about to have a nice bucket of fine wine and stick the tunes on - cheers love!
Jimmys Trooserster - yes - chipping away at the blogface with me lippy on at all times
Isterness - ahhh - you are so sweet - thank you - my very own geeetarh! Twaaaannggg kerrrannnngg wiwiwiwiwqooooooaaaw - clang!
Geoffster - it's the eyyyyyye of the tiger!
Clairy with The Fab Pins In New Expensive Jeans But They Were Worth It - cheers my love - yes - lets get trashed very soon!
Rene Shopping Trolley - Two kind! x
I do love a good strong Fag early in the morning, and the smell of coffee.
Sorry I'm late...Joyeux anniversaire rochemere!
Happy Birthday Mum!
But fags and poppers?
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