Oh dear. I don't think anyone noticed the little girl bottom right who I believe to be possibly one of Sarah Palin's ridiculously named children (Piper (Alpha Disaster), Trig (onometry), Bristol (Cream), Willow (weeping with parents so mad and misguided) and Track (and Field)) gesticulating to a little boy at the Mat-Su's Governer's Annual Picnic. I found this on Sarah Palin's government site. I might have to send it to a national newspaper or two.

Labels: Palin Disgrace Wrong
Well I was a bit worried about McCain and Palin but now with Fannie and Freddie (out in the open) gone I think that's it for the birds in the Bush.
Something good comes from bad- I hope.
This is interesting (on her website) I read that the PFD/Rebate is taxable and be sure to put enough aside for the payment,,,,,, aaaannnnndddd as you read underneath ELIGIBLE ALASKANS. Me thinks something’s not right with that offer I haven’t the energy, ha to go into it further; yes I smell a rat.
According to the Department of Revenue, 610,768 eligible Alaskans will receive a 2008 Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) in the amount of $2069. Resource rebates of $1,200 will be sent out with the PFD. Eligible Alaskans will receive to total of $3269.
Geeeez, how'd I miss this picture?!
Thanks for the smile this mornin' :)
they'll never get michael palin to go on 'who do you think you are?' now. far too risky.
i think it was awfully kind of you to extend that child's name to 'bristol cream'. i thought of something altogether nastier! xxx
Ha, nice.
I'm with rivergirlie. I hope the girl grows a pair of tits eventually, just to live up to the stereotype.
absolutely fucking hilarious! you do know i'm leaving the states if the macpalin/republican machine steal this election! xoxo
Is that a fried egg pattern on Gvnr Palin's coat?
Everytime I see the word Palin in the press I think Michael Palin.
And goodness, who but a mentally disturbed person gives their kids such insane names?
I hate to break it to you rockmum but real Americans don't give a shit what commie eurofags think. Scary isn't it?
The Daily Show is utterly necessary viewing since Palin emerged. Jon Stewart is a master at exposing hypocrisy, and came up with some corkers about "playing the gender card." Apparently not okay for Hillary, despite the right wing media's essentially "iron my shirt" attitude to her, but fine for Palin. People are objecting because of her raving madness, not her fallopian tubes, fools. And don't even get me started on this whole 'pig in lipstick' farrago. CONTEXT, people, context!
i'm moving in with YOU, if mcpalin wins, sugar! xoxo
(btw, what's up with ister's page?)
Momo Madster - US needs one big revolt that's for sure
Cyrano De Bergerac - she is what I term a 'total dodgepot'. Rotten to the core.
Slick - copy and paste!
Rivergirlie - ha ha yes I thought of that too - wouldn't that be awful? x
Annie - yay for the kids!
Roman Empress - yes - huge big zeppelins to zap her mum with - ping ping
Savmarshmamama - I wouldn't blame you! It would be lovely to have you here despite the fact we are living on a sinking ship of another variety plus you might find it hard to adjust to the plethora of cctv camera's tracking your every move. They will be building Checkpoint Charlie next.
Lost Jimmy - bird shit I think!
Llewtrah - I know! Call the social services!
Darling Dickley - is that because they are too thick to realise that there are other nations beyond their state? (ecluding you of course!!) x
Violetta - she's not the pig in lipstick - she's the pig's arse!
savmarshamamama - re: Ister - he has sort of given up for the moment - I think he is quite enjoying it but I shall be starting a protest soon - life is n;t the same without him.
Dickley - I meant excluding you of course - god - do you think Palin can spell or type better than me? I hope not!
I can't answer that rm. I've met all kinds of Americans. I'm not even sure what a 'real' American is. Something to do with patriotism I think. There's definitely an anti-intellectual element involved and McCain/Palin are tapping into that.
he's taking a break? *sigh* ok, sign me up for the protest when it happens! i miss him, too. :(
Going back to the theme of silly names there's a town in Massachusetts called Bristol. Fair enough, you may say, but there's also a Liquor Store there(which is a more understandable term than Off Licence you have to admit) and guess what it's called? Yep, Bristol Liquors. I kid you not.
Aren't the names ridiculous? Oh least they tried. I guess she's so much a maverick that she's even a maverick about naming her kids, huh!
She's wearing an awful coat isn't she. (Meow! Hiss!)
What is a real American? All of us over here are real Americans. Except perhaps for the ones who claim to be and who seem to believe that being patriotic means we never criticize, question or dissent with the government.
Must admit I am curious about this Real American concept. We know all Americans are very proud of the fact. That's perfectly OK and true of many nationalities. But also most residents of the US will tell you they're Irish, or Italian, or African-American or pretty much any other nationality even though they are usually at least 4th generation US citizens. I have yet, however, to come across a single person who says they are English American. It's a funny old world...
re real americans...i think it's only incountry were that hyphenating means anything. once you step out of the usa, you're just an american carrying that blue passport. i've been all over the world and nobody ever buys that hyphenated american shit and nor should we! the strength of america is our ethnic diversity and at some point we'll learn to accept that...i hope!
but what i really came by to ask is: what's up with the black cabs???? *sigh*
Jesus Mum I've been banging on your door, are you in, open up I'm dying for a cupa.
Darling Dickley - McCain and Palin are thoroughly misguided and weird methinks.
Savmarshmamama - yes - but he is ok - I am sure he will be back x
Thingummy Whoseit - almost as bad as having a mortgage co called fanny!
Miss BBE - Imagine her being your mother? Imagine being called Trig and her being your mother?!
Engleesh Dave - yep - you have a point there
Savmarshmamama - you are soo right, so wise mama xx
Momomadsterdarling - oh for god's sake - I've been here all the time. Here - the kettle is on - sit yourself down. Now where were we?
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