Severe Bloggers Health Warning!

Yes - it's that time of year again when I get all grumpy and have to transpose the numbers so people still think I am in my 30's instead of my early 40's! Getting old unglamourously and with great rudeness all round. No cake this year - just a roast and prosecco and lots of it! Perhaps I might one day end up looking like this which will be penance for being so badly behaved in earlier life!

Anyway, on a far more serious note: beware of blogging from bed (which I do quite a lot) as you may end up looking like this!

Yes. I am DEFINATELY going to hell!
You can enter the Grab-a-Granny competition.
Happy Birthday, dear RoMo! Unglamorous, pah, what nonsense. You can rock green eyeshadow and tight t-shirts like nobody else can.
I raise a glass of virtual prosecco to you, and hope to raise a real one soon xxx
Happy birthday!
I tend to eat nuts when I'm blogging, which is a slippery slope. Even though I don't blog in bed, I'll probably end up looking exactly like that woman :(
Many happy returns.
Happy birthday, Romo.
I'm still worried about blogger's nipple!
Chazz: Ha sweetheart. . .we do hope after Sainsburys. . .'yours' had a surprise evening in store for when u got in. . . .at least champers, lashings of chocolate and strawberries to dip. Served just in a dicky bow . .HAPPY 21ST. . .All 0ur love from us to u and yrs. . .C and Isti x x x
Happy Birthday Mum, it just gets worse from here on in/out, don't listen to the middle-class shit about life begins at 40.
Could hell be worse than this?
I guess it could, but you'll be in better company. Just imagine being in the company of that cow Mother Teresa . Ha, Teresa would not be - I guess - too enamored by a Mother Rock in the presence of the All Mighty;-) ;-) ;-)
Sure you have to be saying something.
Have a great Birthday celebration.
Happy Birthday Romo.
(I am blogging in bed while eating breakfast. I don't look exactly like that lady though - my bedding is blue.)
Happy Birthday Mum!
Bockster from Bockworld - yes! GAG for short ;-)
Lovely Annie - Cheers love. Chin chin virtually and soon XX
Great She of the Highlands - Thank you! When are you coming doon South again? Soon I hope. x
Bettyster - no you won't - you are elegancy itself - I've seen your picture of your artistic elegant hand when you broke your wrist remember! Thank you for returns x PS: what exactly are birthday returns? Sorry - I don't like it, my birthday doesn't fit can I return it? ;-)
Geoffster - as opposed to jogger's arse?
Chazza - sorry - I failed dismally re: radio thing - got trapped in Sainsbury's then got home and opened fizzy and forgot about everything! No, no surprises, no dicky bow - I cooked supper!! got a bunch of flowers though.
Momodarling - thank you dear - I could have a blog-off with Mother T! xx
Spintastic on the Wheels of Steel - ooh you lurker you! Blue bedding sounds much better although it shows up the crumbs more! The lady in the picture - her fingertips are blue - from too much blogging
Tony - why thank you sir - big up to Hebden Bridge and their leaky shower trays! x
belated Happy Birthday RM!!
as i type I am slurping tea and munching HobNobs... gosh, I hope I don't end up looking like the lady in the picture... not least coz i'm curently a fella... scary.
Hurrah! Happy birthday!
GSK just launched a fat busters diet pill so I have no worries now...
Hope the birthday basherthon went well?
Happy birthday and many more. You're just a kid.
chazza: oh sweetheart. . .no worries wth radio thing, teach Isti to organise himself better. . .i couldnt believe his cheek rushing u in sainsburys. . . .next bday deffo we will do something. . .even if i sort u out some eye candy gramme wth just a dicky bow. (wink. . Wink. )yeah. . .lv chaz. . .x x
chazza:P.s. . Dont believe the cynics. . .Life does begin at 40. . .20's is (unfortunately) learning. 30's experienced. 40's wouldnt do again. . .no way hozay. . .Roms u go girl. . .x x
Belated Burfday wishes to you (again).
Re - radio thang; I only found out about that show as I started to listen to it and thought you may like to hear it for yourself. No worries about not recording it as I totally forgot about the listen again feature - doh! Me disorganised? I think Chazza's a bit too presumptious and she wants to start a row with me...
Contain yourself Chazza, this is Rosters birthday celebrations!
Hope you had a good'un. x
Pilester - thank you - yes, walk away from those biscuits!
Billster - Hurray! Thank you!
Col - thanks - didn't do that much but was nice all the same
Chazza - no worries - didn't feel rushed at all! Ooer - no grammathings please - that would make me run away and hide!
Isterness - oh now enough of the radio thing already you two - Dr Ruth says STOP!! Yes - it's my birthday and I can forget if I want to ;-) xx PS: did you listen to it on catchup thingy - I have even forgotten to do that until now - big doh!!
chazza: jokin all the way sweetheart. . .lol. Ive arranged grammies. . .Id run too with you if faced by one. . .lol t.r.d.f. . .xx
Oh god that have read my mind, seen into my deepest too I'm a bed blogger. Me too, I am increasing in girth as a result, especially as I am also a cook.
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