The Clement Freud Memorial Blogmeet
Date: Fri 17 April 2009
Time: 19:00 >
Venue: The French House (a pub that only serves halves as Billy so rightly pointed out)

Well I did meet the beautiful and radiant Miss Slaminsky at Amy Winehouse's other home The Hawley Arms in Camden first where I manically tweeted "Pixie Geldof's in da house and she is dead posh in her cycling shorts and big boots". Couldn't help myself sorry. Yaaaawnn.

Then we hot-footed it off (still talking ten to the dozen like proper girls do when they get together) to blogmeetarama en Soho. There we hooked up with him, her and him. Oh we had such a lovely time despite the rain and all being kissed by a happy grateful homeless man who came up and rather honestly claimed he needed money for booze. At which point Billy piped up saying "oh at least he didn't say heroin' at which point Mr Footman said to the man "oh I would have had to give you a fiver if you had asked me for that!". The man was very pleased with his cull of money and went out of his way to say thank you by kissing each and every one of us on the cheek. I think he admired our honesty too in a way. It sort of made my chin go a bit itchy though but probably because I am prone to a winning combination of over-imagination and sensitive skin. Amidst waxing lyrical over Derek Griffiths and Tim's (or was it Llewtrah's?) relationship to Brian Cant (brothers wife's sister's husband I think) conversation turned to the late Clement Freud. Tim told this joke - one of Clement's finest. So for those of you that weren't there and in the absence of my inability to whip up a blogmeet manifesto mainly because there is a very good one here I therefore furnish you with 'that' joke:
Bye bye Clement. Bye bye JG Ballard too. Hurray for meetings of blog.
Labels: blogmeets Greek food and halves
Darlin', you made me laugh this monday morning.
Always liked the Clement fellow.
He had a certain charisma.
oh that is so very funny! must play it to twins when they get back from scyool (sudden worry - does that make me terrible mother?). blogmeet sounds fab. hope you had a half for me xx
Sounds like jolly good fun...that's one blogmeet I'm sorry I missed.
Blogmeet, never heard of it...
I remember Clement Freud's book for kids "Grimble". I loved it!
That girl in the photo needs to stop bloggin' and get some rest. Then we could see the real beautiful eyes she has.
Very sweet!
Momo - Good and glad to make you laugh. I sincerely hope you are not talking about that hideous photo of me on Llewtrah's blog - I have asked her to take it down! Had drowned rat hair and big fat jowls from low angle - not good.
Rivergirlie - I love that joke - no - you are not a terrible mother - you are a fab mother xxx
Dickley - yes - it would have been good - we should have had a live satellite link-up or something!
Ms Marmite Lover - Blogmeet is jsut bloggers meeting up - perhaps we could do a non-veggie underground restaurant - BlogMeat?! Oh I forgot about Grimble - Grimble was great!
Momo - as I said before - most alarmed. going off to put big brown paper bag over my head! xx
Blogmeat... hmmmmmm I wonder...
You look gorgeous Mum.
I'm laughing again.
I did think about looking for "Let's Get Lost" and getting lost, after you mentioned it.
My head, sometimes, ........?
how cool for all y'all! xoxo
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