Slave To The Rhythm

"It's kept me on the straight and narrow - and that's saying something!" says Dick Headley
"I find Listen With Rockmother the most perfect companion for when I'm waiting for my curlers to heat up and getting through a packet of Boasters" says Mollster
Yes - the second podcast from the rocket of the crypt that is Rockmother is up and running - and no, contrary to popular opinion I podcasted sober but still didn't manage to get an early night.
You can find it here - just scroll down all the gumph and press Listen where you see The Romo For Real 2.
Enjoy pop-pickers. And don't forget - I'm doing requests and reading out your letters on the next one!
Sitting in bed and listening to your podcasts. Cup of coffee, bit of sedate hand-jiving.
Then you go and play Georgie Fame. Full go-go mode on a firm mattress.
Heartening to find I still have the moves. And that you do the same thing.
play the 'Star Spangled Banner' from the Hendrix Live album!! and just a wee heartbeat of silence first, so those first three clarion notes can sing out over the podwaves like the Second Coming!
also i'd like to dedicate the song 'It's Raining Men' by 2 Tons of Fun to my newly single darling GlitterForBrains. kind of a 'sound the charge!' for him outta the gates.
woo! this is cool! i can hardly wait until monday!
Arabella - oh I'm mortified - I didn't name-check you - don't worry - I'll do you proud on the next one. Glad you enjoyed it - hope you didn't have any spillages re: the full-on go go dancing. Good track isn't it?
Your Firstness:
ok - will do - can't promise for Monday but I'll do my uttermost best. Jesus - I need to have a word with myself as I've been supposedly 'working from home' the last two days - podcasting! Very bad of me. When are you running for mayoress by the way? I'm gettig t-shirts printed you know ;-)
I was forgetting - the Sumas Needs FN for Mayor campaign was launched from a small San Francisco bedroom on July 31st. The badge and spurs are polished and in a box under the bed. What's our next move?
Oh, please can I have a podcast dedication for The Husband who will be home from New York? Bobby Bland or those southern soul laydees would be nice.Or anything by George Formby.
Spooky - I was going to play Bobby the other night as he is a huge favourite of mine - but as usual I just make it up as I go along and disregard my initial slight plan!
Of course I'll play Bobby Bland for your husband - it would be an absolute pleasure.
Just finished listening... another trumph, loved it!
of course that should be 'triumph'
Me likee.
Here's my top three for requests, also top 3 contenders for best intros ever and, curiously , top 3 for best spine tinglers of all time, ever, so there - no particular order but let's go chronologically.
You Really Got Me - The Kinks
Voodoo Chile (Slight return) - Jimi Hendrix
Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division
But I also have a soft spot for River Deep Mountain High by I can turn a corner (sorry, me and words have this thing - you may have noticed...). My Dear friend Kip - he who sang for the Vibrators - performed RDMH at his own wedding, and it was utterly brilliant, takes some balls to do a Tina Turner when you are a white guy with a guitar and only a 3 piece band.
So there ya are, this Bopcast thing is really good.
Oh, and you already did my other contender for best 2 note bass line, best song ever, ever, EVER. Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads and Eno (what a genius, when he had to do interviews whatever question he was asked he would think of a number and answer with that many words - out there or what!)
Pip pip
Well, what can I say??
I thought Bobcast 8 was bad...#
(Well, it was - bloody noisy fride for a kick off - bad song selection - remedial school level ariculation .....I could go on....)
So you'll be pleased to know that now that Ro-Mo has kindly stepped into the breach, there's ne need for me to spend all week worrying what remains of me hair (not too mensch my guts) grey with angst as to what songs to play next week...) She's a more than wortht successor, I'm sure you'll al agree - smart, sassy, incorrigably sexy...and more to the point - FEMALE! So, I'm hanging up my spurs (well, they were plain irritataing, let's be frank...)
In short - Ro-Mo rools.
And she Rawks...
(Can I just say: GEORGIE FAME!!!!)
LOve on ya kidder....
1. Another top song selection!
2. Thanks for the dedication.
3. You were spot on with the pronunciation of my name.
3. You can stick with the late 70's / early 80's theme for as long as you like, 'cos I like too.
4. Dexy's and The Specials - 'Geno' their best song, and I grew up on a (Neville) Staple diet of British ska ('Ghost Town' being my first vinyl possession).
Listen with Rockmother - The podcast you can listen to without ruining your appetite!
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You may find yourself...
Curling your hair for far too long whilst listening to RoMo. Thus, I have burnt hair that smells of...well....burnt hair. The curls are pretty good though. You can get lost whilst listening to this....forgetting to actually do the things that you need cleaning the scuzzy parts of your sink.
Lovely work RoMo. I like the story of Terry in his tartan suit. Silly bugger. I think you and Bobster are very clever.
I didn't realise this was a *new* one - you've spoilt it for me now - you rotten buggers.....!
Would love to listen but can't get buggering thing to work will try again later.
Finally managed to get the second podcast up an running this morning, on the fifth attempt. Cheers! You're lucky, having a good broadcasting voice (well, my own dreary whining Cannock monotone is one of the reasons I won't be doing any podcasting - that and not being able to put a coherent sentence together).
The U.K. Subs! I was informed that they're still going. Charlie Harper must be about 180 by now.
My friend used to live in a house opposite Kevin Rowland during the height of Dexy's Midnight Runners' fame, and there were always loads of teenage girls camped up outside, apparently. Proof that it isn't just looks and charm that attracts the females, eh?
Cheers girls and boys! I'll do my best to fulfill your requests. I'm really pleased everyone likes it so far. I love the idea of Arabella full-on go-go dancing with her morning coffee.
Wavy - you are so right!
Bettster - yes - Charlie Harper is still going - I was doing some research last year and he is 63! Punk's oldest pensioner - apparently. I disagree - I think Vi Subversa from the Poison Girls is slightly older but I'm not entirely sure. Shame all those girls camping outside Harper and Rowland's homes weren't aware that both of them were/are actually gay! Camping being the operative word.
Can you start a Betty Must Podcast campaign too Ro-Mo?
I don't know about anyone else, but I love the sound of a Cannock Monotone that can't string a sentence together. It didn't seem to bother Andy Kershaw, did it?
We want Betty! Yay!! (loses its effectiveness when you can't see the pom-poms and ra-ra skirt....)
And Mo' Ro-Mo!!!!
(ad nauseum in the style of a cheerleader)
Be-tty Be-tty Be-tty Be-tty!
is anyone else finding they can't comment on the Swipe's blog? All I get is a 404 error message. Might be something to do with Firefox I suppose.
Hi rockmother, been listening to some of your podcasts, being new to this phenomenon I am gathering advice thru my ears! can I say you have an amazing voice! never mind the music, just keep talking, I could listen for hours! anyway I noted that you began one of your shows with a justly curtailed "we built this city" by 'Jefferson Starship' the poorer version of the humungus 'Jefferson Airplane' (circa 1965-75) how about some of that!
Welcome jda (julian?) - so glad anyone actually listens to them let alone leaves kind comments. Thanks for that. I was thinking of giving up because I thought I sounded like a twat! It's not that nice to hear your own voice sometimes - I never really thought about it until I did the podcasts. Yeah - We Built This City - classic tune. I used it for perhaps unjust comic effect on the first one - I'm still sort of learning and experimenting with effects but they're quite simlpistic in garageband which is the programme I'm using on the mac. I wanted to make jingles too - I'll teach myself but I fear I may need more technology! Anyway - thanks for dropping by and glad to have found your blog.
Julian?....oh alright then it is!
Yes it is daunting when you hear your own voice on playback isn't it, something I do not look forward to when I come to do my own podcast! but needs must an' all that.
And don't let anyone tell you that you have a twatish voice, even yourself!
Cheers Jifdump!
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