I Love My Dad

My Dad did a great thing on Monday morning. There he was happily perusing the 'healthy' aisles at a Sainsbury's in the East End of Gundon and was soon most insensed to see
'Dr' Gillian McKeith's merchandise on display. There has been a lot of press lately about how she isn't a doctor at all but really a 62 year old health freak born one Ena Hall in Dundee who just happened to marry someone very rich enabling her to promote herself endlessly. In short, she has recently been forced to drop her fictional Dr status. A little embarrassing. Anyway, there he was most cross that Sainsbury's were still selling her unauthorised 'Dr's' products. Did he get a supervisor and complain? No. He said he got out his black pentel and scribbled over all the 'Dr's' he could find until there were none left. Good on you Pa. x
Nice one Romodad!
Has he started blogging yet?
I bet he has, but you're not giving us his blog address, are you RoMo?
Good work! I'm impressed.
Ister - no he hasn't started blogging yet - I asked him the other day. I'll tell him you are waiting patiently
Billy - I know - good isn't it?
the dirty vegan bastard! she's got a nerve. ena hall!! go dad!!
Has anyone noticed that McKeith woman has curvature of the spine, look the next time she's on, she really is a very weird shape.
Hurrah for your dad. I'm very impressed at his vigilante actions. He's like Charles Bronsan with a felt-tip.
Begone McKeith (Ena? Who knew?). While I'm not one to get caught up in the whole cult-of-body-image sort of thing, why would anyone want to take health advice from someone that looks like they'd be more at home sticking out of the wall of a Gothic cathedral?
You have a rad dad.
your dad kicks ass!
the whole idea of a living candy bar kind of freaks me out a little.
Big thumbs-up for your dad.
fantastic! it clearly runs in the family
I only buy her stuff when it's been remaindered. Which is all the time, ha-ha!
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