Enjoy! There will be another one soon - this one was done in rather a rush and from my bed consequently the choice of music was rather random and was accompanied by half asleep ramblings from myself and probably too much rustling of duvet.
I am now very Back next week - am off to a wedding - I will probably want this place
to be open by tomorrow morning when I no doubt wake up with a hangover of some description and will be in need of medical assistance. I will probably miss breakfast at the B&B and have to sneak out at lunchtime - or - stumble down rather dishevelled lured by the smell of fried bread and kippers just as they are clearing away the last egg-smeared doily. I will no doubt be told I can only have what's left of the variety pack (all bran then) or cold toast as the kitchen is now getting ready for a straining, over-laden coachload of oaps for lunch at 11.30.
Now I've got to go and sort out my outfit. Must dash!
Hope you had a fab time. I'm saving the Podcast for tomorrow morning. I always love to listen to them from 7.30-8 to get me going. Thankyou RoMoster. Save me some bran flakes. Maybe I could make a healthy version of 'cornflake' cakes out of them.
I'm watching Meatloaf's Top 50 Rock Gods at the moment. It's actually mighty fun and I wish we were back in the wincyette watching it like last week!
Had a bit of a dilema as to how to listen to it as my home internet PC seems to want to gurgle any cohesive noises that I try to play through it. The podcast didn't play on the work PC (pesky mp4a format - what's all that about? Macs and iPods...look, I've got a Sony mobile that plays mp3s but not mp4a stuff, format wars all over again. Aarrgghh!!!).
(Deep breath) However, I downloaded the entire thing onto a memory stick USB type storage key thing and managed to play it through Windows Media Player on the laptop (cheers Jif).
I'm pleased to say the result was well worth it. Brilliant 'tombola' (as you say) play-list.
You don't sound ill to me. Tell the truth...you were just skiving, weren't you RoMo?
Got the podcast, enjoy the wedding. Kippers, eh I love kippers.
the "twat"
'Bitchslut' (for Castpost) made me laugh.
Your podcasts are fab. Hope you enjoyed the wedding, and are not suffering too much
Hope you had a fab time. I'm saving the Podcast for tomorrow morning. I always love to listen to them from 7.30-8 to get me going. Thankyou RoMoster. Save me some bran flakes. Maybe I could make a healthy version of 'cornflake' cakes out of them.
I'm watching Meatloaf's Top 50 Rock Gods at the moment. It's actually mighty fun and I wish we were back in the wincyette watching it like last week!
Damn & blast it won't let me play it. GGrrr. I will endevour to find out what the problem is.
who is the bluesy, trumpety track by and where can I get it.
re The Tubes...I remember that Top of the Pops too.
Great stuff. Whooo!!!
Nowt wrong wi' thut podcast. Make another one whenever you're in the mood.
Had a bit of a dilema as to how to listen to it as my home internet PC seems to want to gurgle any cohesive noises that I try to play through it. The podcast didn't play on the work PC (pesky mp4a format - what's all that about? Macs and iPods...look, I've got a Sony mobile that plays mp3s but not mp4a stuff, format wars all over again. Aarrgghh!!!).
(Deep breath) However, I downloaded the entire thing onto a memory stick USB type storage key thing and managed to play it through Windows Media Player on the laptop (cheers Jif).
I'm pleased to say the result was well worth it. Brilliant 'tombola' (as you say) play-list.
You don't sound ill to me. Tell the truth...you were just skiving, weren't you RoMo?
Share the wealth mate!!
Share the wealth!
i ching, you ching, we all ching for ... no that's not working is it? how about
i cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus ...
Thanks everyone - and hello mad muthas - haven't seen you here before (I'm waving hello).
hello back atcha! i'm afraid i can't quite remember how i got here (bloody hell - that's my whole life summed up) but it's awfully nice.
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