Can Everyone Stop
talking about taramasolata and mouldy hoummous. I know I started it but I'm feeling much better thank you but am at risk of vomming all over again after all those vividly descriptive comments.

Thank you very much for all your concerns and descriptions. I am actually that much better I am having a glass of red wine (there's a surprise!) in training for tomorrow's little gathering.
So if anyone gets there before me mine's a large glass of quality French/Spanish or Chilean red - no Aussie or revolting US tanninjuice please!
Merci beaucoup. x
I'll try to make it to The Dove today, Romo - thanks for letting me know!
I'll be there in spirit rm. You'll just have to imagine me...the quiet old geyser in the corner.
Geyser? Like what they have in Iceland? Are you dyslexsic? I think I am - I can't even spell the word!
I had quite a few and have no idea how I even got home but I did.
Hope you're recovering ok from yesterdays alcohol fest..and that you're not performing what this posts picture is demonstrating?
No - a bit of a headache despite the fact I had lots of water and some supper when I got home. All too late for that I guess what with the adrenalin and alcohol already coursing around my system for most of the afternoon.
Lovely to meet you too RoMo - shh don't tell anyone but was a tiny bit tipsy when I left too. Here's to more blogmeets. (I think we should get on the case with the Bloggers magical mystery tour...)
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Geezer then. Grumpy old variety. I strongly disapprove of drunken orgies normally, especially in public places, but that doesn't mean I don't like reading illustrated accounts of them from a safe distance.
Yay to more blogmeets! Thanks for coming along, it was lots of fun.
Good to meet you Romo!
wow! interesting diagram. are tummies really so high up? i though they were more down there.
Morning RoMo...time to get up and greet the REAL world?
Billy - hurray! I found it all a bit nerve-wracking at first but seeing as I was one of the last to leave..
The Whales - yes - you too!
Mad Muthas - they can't be too far down otherwise it would be really hard to be sick. Anyway - let's not go there.
Jif - yes morning - very much in the real world thank you!
It was good to meet you RoMo :) Billy was a wee bit squiffy when we left and only slightly sobered up by the walk home. Neither of us got icky, but we needed a nice long nap to recover and a long walk and a bottle of Cotes de Rhone on Sunday.
Just discovered I missed you by 5 minutes...gutted.
I am just eating some yummers "fresh feta hummous" from sainsbury :)
Hey you,
So Ive finally realised / learnt how to do this, link to you and make a comment!! I can get half way round the world alone as its just like Pming a promo but computers and options...forget it!! Ah im so happy i can say hi and thanks so very much for your sweet comments...even if you did erase the last one, prey tell!!
Anyway, glad you're feeling better and hope the wine helped!!
Loads a love
Lucienne x
Morning RoMo....rise & shine.
Morning Jif - have risen and am shining already thank you!
Realdoc - I know I time for sure!
Llewtrah - lovely to meet you too. Hold the hoummous!
Lucienne - hurray - so glad all is going well. Take care xxx
PS: I only erased the previous one because I spelt it all higgledy piggledy as I was typing too fast.
I see these social gatherings becoming a regular feature. Hope it doesn't interfere with the podcasts. Idea!! How about group podcasts!!!
(wipes last of hummous from mouth)
I shall bring home-made hummous if we do a summer bloggers' picnic. I do a rather nice Tabasco-flavoured hummous. It's yummers, even if I say so myself. My lemon and coriander hummous isn't bad either.
Dickley - I had an idea of doing a group one from the 'blogmeet' (hate that nausea-inducing word) but thought it might be too geeky
Llewtrah - argh! you are tormenting me - no more talk of vomit-inducing condiments for a while!!
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