All In The Best Possible Taste

Labels: Kenny Everett Genius
Labels: Kenny Everett Genius
Labels: Sai Baba The Great Pretender
UPDATE: Oh God - thank you the marvellous Great She for alerting me - I must have spoken too soon!
Labels: vile plastic shoes that should be banned because they are so ugly and revolting
Due to working solidly since the day I returned from holiday combined with ongoing problematic but improving family life now subject to attending Relate (a helpful assessment so far - yes - your relationship is extremely crap and we can help you) it has been a bit blogscant round here of late. So I am making it all up to you by sharing my jaunt to see The Police at Twickenham Stadium last weekend.
Whatever happened to Baby Jane? Joan Crawford must be turning in her grave. I think this young man needs to get out more - especially to the local surgery where he might get a diagnosis of extreme personality disorder and hopefully (be put down) get some help.
Labels: big up to the trailer park
Labels: pudgely ginger unfortunate and human league slappers