Lucky 13 Final Podcast of 2006 is Here

Get the last podcast of 2006 here - it is fine and dandy and there is something for everybody.
Due to fending off flu and pretending I've only got a cold as I hate being ill even though I have to admit - right now I do feel shit and merely getting through today has been a bit of a struggle. Consequently I've been 'zoning out' and pondering a few things. Firstly, I've had a song going around my head incessantly that I haven't heard for years but used to love - 'Violence Grows' by The Fatal Microbes. It was one of John Peel's favourites which is where I first heard it. I wasn't allowed to listen to John Peel so I had to hide an old transistor radio in my pillow-case and play it really quietly through the pillow to hear anything that was banned. I'm glad I did. The Fatal Microbes were a UK punk group. Honey Bane (Donna Tracey) was lead vocals with Gem Stone (Gemma Sansom) on drums, Pete Fender (Daniel Sansom) on guitar, and Scotty Boy Barker (Scott Barker) who was replaced as bassist by It (Quentin North). I was trying to put up an mp3 of the track here but it won't accept the code - bugger. Here's a picture of some of the original founder members instead
It's Awful - But I Like It
we salute you!
Apparently that last podcast wasn't drunken enough so I'll do another one tonight - awfully hungover this time. Luckily for all you lot I don't have webcam - last night's podcast was done topless from bed with a glass of wine in one hand and a mic in the other - needless to say I woke up with the laptop dangling off the bed. It had conveniently uploaded to slutbitch before I fell asleep which was a small bonus.
Unlike Beta blockers it appears that beta blogger does not serve to calm your nerves. Apologies to all if they thought I haven't been around over the last few days - I have - and I've tried to leave some nice comments too but Betta Slogger won't let me. Has anyone got any idea why? Firstly, each time I log in as a Blogger account holder person it keeps making me re-do word verification which is my worst nightmare - really! Then I try to just be 'other' - same thing, then I just try to be bloody anonymous and it keeps just refreshing and not posting.
Voici le glamour!