Absolutely Fabulous
I was going to head this post Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now but then I realised despite it being officially THE most depressing day of the year it wasn't really all that bad today. Tomorrow however is quite exciting in what could turn out to be genuinely depressing if I let it - turning 40. But....I actually feel quite excited about it. I've crammed alot in so far and I intend to cram in a whole lot more. And anyway - I haven't changed a bit!

Perhaps the eyeliner isn't quite so extreme (this picture is tame believe me) and I no longer sport a fetching Eighties fringe but hey, I'm still me! My dad summed it up today and when he asked me if I really was going to be 40 tomorrow to which of course I replied 'yes' he exclaimed "Shit, that makes me 68! Is that really how old you are going to be?" It made me laugh.
I've started my fourth decade by deciding to go back to freelancing beg March. This means I can have time back for my own creative projects that have really suffered this year which in turn has made me really unhappy. I reckon that's a good start. I had a row with a ticket inspector at Richmond Station the other night as he wanted to fine me - for trying to buy a ticket. I was quite proud of myself as I realised I still had it in me to defy authority - and I won the argument with a measured dose of sarcasm and healthy disrespect. If the Kids Are United............