The Rockmother Magic Ship Special Podcast

Oooh the wonder of the bloggermusiverse! I have been very honoured to be asked to produce a Rockmother podcast special to unleash the new album Love Tel Motel by Magic Ship to the world. Do go and have a listen - it won't disappoint. It also gives you lots of brilliant information like where to buy or download the album from because you will want to hear more after you have listened to the podcast teaser. Magic Ship are a four-piece from the Twickenham area of London and have had the collective balls to get on with it and write, record, produce, mix, design and generally do everything you need to do to get an album out - they even have t-shirts and a distribution label!
And if you have a yearning to hear and see the album played live Magic Ship are actually doing just that next Friday 6th June at:
Ye White Hart , The Terrace, Barnes, London SW13.
Bus: 209 or 419 from Hammersmith or Richmond
Train: Barnes Bridge or Mortlake (mainline)
20:30 onwards band on at 22:00'ish
You can check out their main website here and here and browse their munterspace site here.
The podcast can be listened to at the main Listen With Rockmother Podcast Site
or you can click play below if you prefer the medium of Divvyshare:
Enjoy ladies and gentlemen and a special big thank you to Magic Ship for taking the brave leap into the void of Listen With Rockmother! One, two. Two. Two. Two. That's roadiespeak by the way.

Labels: Lounging In the Love Tel Motel
Oooh. It raaaawks...
I'm liking your new black tights Beatnik look there, RoMo.
Mary Quant? Good music romo, great looking motel too.
Gorgeous Annie - cheers love! Thank you x
Darling Dickley - Well, no - it is actually Anne Nightingale c.1965 and thank you for your kind comments.
Phew! If only I could have provided the correct information for the distribution label which is actually and not but then I am pretty crap at these matters.
Looking forward to seeing you this Friday at the gig Romo. Would love to see anybody else that is London based too! It's going to be great fun.
i'm still dancing around, sugar! great music *twirling* xoxo
I will have a listen thank you very much- and fly-in for the gig if the miracle comes.
Yours Waiting;-)
I came I went I listened I'm back.
… the title track was a tad like The Ramones off the sedatives, and 'switched on' to the smart drugs, with a better lead singer.
Then back to the dueling guitars (American late 60’s rock)
Cool nostalgic trip for me thank you Romo, and indeed “Magic Ship” So many influences in there to muse on. Great!
I’d love to attend the gig. I hope it’s a topper.
(do they serve pints of HARP LARGER in the Harp- it was the Harp Bar? god my consentration. Maybe I'm having an O'Connell's St Bridge flash back; the infamous Harp bar there on/in Dublin.
Mr Axe Victim - the link has now been amended - no worries
Momo Madster - thank you for your praise and kind words. Well, they probably do serve Harp or maybe Double Diamond (do they make that anymore?) but more than likely you could get a pint of Directors or Ramrod Special (or Ramrod Spesh as they say locally). Actually - it is the White Hart - nearly!
Really enjoyed..Boy does it take me back to the ole days. Esp the hotel reminds me of one of my first holls, took ages to save up for on (£60.00per week college part time job) . x x
Chazza - hurray - glad you enjoyed it! Saturday job - oh how simple life used to be x
Got my copy of the album today! i think a review over at Piley towers is not too far away... Great stuff!
Another magic ROMO RE - I love those intro's, they're just so cool.
I knew the Magic Ship album would be good, but never expected it to be that good. I played it three times on the bounce yesterday and still want to hear it again.
This is Heff signing in - the "Alabama Playboy" character from the LoveTel Motel song. Good job on the Podcast !
Smiley Piley - yes - yes - get reviewing!
Mr Mondo Bongo - cheers for your praise Mondo - yes - the album is good isn't it?
Mr Heff - greetings for Romo Towers and thank you for popping by. Glad you enjoyed the pod.
LoveTel Motel LIVE is available on the official Magic Ship bloggy site thing now. It Raawks.
Can you hear me Barnes.
By the way. Nice to meet you the other day RM.
And I finally got over the exhaustion of the weekend enough to get around to blog the mad day that I had in the build up to the gig.
Oh oh oh and somebody actually bought a copy of the CD and has reviewed it online. Again over at my place - but forgive me Romo for getting all excited over your site. It's just that I am having such a wonderful time! More people should release records. It's good for the soul.
Adster - Helloooo Baaarnes! Yes - very nice to meet you too Mr Ad.
MR AV - exhaustion? mean hangover don't you?! Fantastic news - the blogworld is a wonderful place - it spreads happiness wherever it goes.
Hey RM.
You've inspired me to jump on the podcast bandwagon.
Tune in to
For some stocking clad nazi death squad bitches.....
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