Yo Shorty - it's yo birthday (© 50 Cent)

Hello peeps
I'm putting these up for Pod.
He is a great photographer and splendid prolific blogger. Lately we have been discussing British photographer Martin Parr. I happen to own a couple of Parr prints - here they are - I love them. I bought them at his
1997 Common Sense exhibition at the Rocket Gallery in Albemarle St in London. 100 prints tacked up onto the walls as they were - no frames - and all for sale. I bought the sandals
one first and then saw the slightly

I went into overdraft to do it and had to live on practically nothing for at least two months but I'm still glad I did.
Here are a few photo's I've taken myself that look a bit Parr-esque.
Prepare yourselves for tipsy blogging ahead - it's my birthday tomorrow (ancient! please no congratulations) and I am going out and therefore might resort to the cyber version of drunken dial - you have all been warned. xx

Nighty night all. Sleep well.
What! another excuse to get pissed?
my dear woman give your kidneys a chance!....only joshing.
interesting pics...I wonder if the woman who's skirt you were almost up with the camera lens knew about that? I bet she heard the click..
nice legs though. phwoar!!
My lord - those children...
Blimey, a sad record of British culture.
Are you allowed to publish people's faces without permission these days? You can't even take pics at school sports events in case some parent complains about infringement of little so-and-so's rights.
Better pixellate out those faces.
And talking of getting pixillated ....
Jif - glad you enjoyed the pins! if you can't drink on your birthday when can you?!
Annie - I know - call the social services!
Llewtrah - too late - they have been up on my flickr site for the last 18 months under the heading 'Obesity Timebomb'!
PS: Apologies for excessive use of !!! I can't help it! Aaaarrghghghhh - I can't stop !!!!!!!!!
Nice pics rockmum. 'Good eye' as they say in baseball parlance. Not sure about the open heart surgery.
D'You remember that book I had of Tony Ray-Jones work? "A Day Off" I think it was called. Always think of that when I see pix of ordinary people who suddenly become extraordinary when isolated by that milllisecond in time. He was only 31 when he died in 1972 but his work belied his age. Take a butcher's if you can find anything on the net. Classic stuff.
Oh, and Happy Beerday too.
Now this is interesting (well, to me it is) I was looking at some googled sites about Martin Parr - coz I freely admit I know zilch about the man - and I found this little snippet:
"Parr readily admits to having been greatly influenced by the British photographer Tony Ray Jones, who died in 1972 at the age of 30."
Well, well, well as the stutterer said when he found the watering hole.
And Parr is only 2 years older than me - ah what I coulda been eh?
Whole article is http://www.eyestorm.com/feature/ED2n_article.asp?article_id=237&artist_id=12
Dickley - thank you - that open heart surgery was roast pork knee in Prague - we called it Porkney Spears at the time - hilarious although you had to have been there....
Wavey Gravy - cool - very interesting - will look at the article after my dinner with meandmymum xx (I'll send her your love and big squashy hugs).
Exlamation marks are our friends. Have fun!
I hope I'm not too late to say Happy Birthday.
*Riding past on unicorn*
Happy Birthday dear Rockmother. Do you know what? I had your name on the calendar and had to come here to write you this. I searched through all of your archives last year to find out when your birthday was, because I like to know these things. And that's why I came here today and (eeek, screen-blur alert) I just had to come and write this 'ere thingy for you.
Live-time writing for you, so apologies for the mistakes. Blur-screen to blame.
The lady of the sparkle-toes,
She makes gestures into gifts,
And walks silently, gently,
In heart-moments she looks for more.
I found her, a summer festival, she was,
A laughter-bolt,
A sit cross-legged on grass,
A kitchen at night,
We shared a bed, once,
In the quiet hours of come home.
Sit in her lap,
Find her nuzzled up in Ovaltine cheek-to-cheek with us all,
With a smile,
And a wink,
And a message.
When winter draws a snowy canopy,
I wander streets and disappear,
Only to find your name,
Under loose remains of leaves.
On walls,
On follow-me-homes,
On left messages on chimneys,
In Magpie-mouths of friends.
Your birthday dear one.
Your day.
Your heart is a swell-tide of loveliness.
Take care my sweet RoMo.
Oh bugger, tissue needed. Bugger. Les! Get me a tissue!
Happy Birthday Romo. and also Molly's here yeah
Who are those chubby crusty kids in the 4th photo down. Did they get back to the campsite OK?
high praise indeed from the (rock) mother superior. i feel humbled, thanks love...have emailed you.
i can only encourage getting onto that will...especialyy now you're crackin on and all...if you were here it would be your birthday already. hurrah!! have a wonderful day...i can sense that this year is going to be big but goody. i will make a big hrad wish you for!!
(ps. ain't jif lookin regal these days hmm?)
Many Happy Returns, RoMo x.
oh, and i was frightened by the braided beauties....
Billy - thank you!! Ha!
Geoff - no - thank you very much
Molly - goodness - I am so incredibly touched and shrouded in warmth from those gorgeous words. Unicorns are my favourite. xxxxx (ooh I am so touched I too need a tissue..)
Realdoc- cheers Realdoc and thanks for popping by
Ister - the puglies 4th photo down were outside the pub on the river in Twickenham a couple of years ago. That was their third packet of crisps. I blame the parents who were not supervising them at the time. Sad. It's not the kids fault.
Pod - blimey - I hope you are psychic - I would love to have a great year - anything better than last year that's for sure.
EVERYBODY - thank you for being so nice and kind and thoughtful. I really am touched by the kindness of bloggers - well the ones I 'know' anyway. A kiss and a big hug for each of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think that should cover it or you will just have to share if I haven't done enough. xx
Drinks are on RoMo, everyone head down to Twickers for Buie overdoses.
Morning RoMo...many happy returns and all that!
Great to see Molly writing again even if it's not on her own blog!
she is still with us...always I think.
Ohh...and if you think like 'Pod' that I look regal (17th century) accordingly....Then "fetch me a roast pig wench"!!
Jif - thank you. I'm going backwards now....fetch your own roast pig sir!
Dickley - I know! Yippee!
Hey, Happy Birthday.
the sandwich picture made me rather sad. I can just imagine him going home to a lonely bedsit (or perhaps his wife made him the sandwiches? i do hope so. I hope there is something lovely inside, and not liver paste, as I suspect.)
Katty - oh hi - thanks for dropping by - nice to see you and your bump here. Yes - there is something rather inherently sad and final about the sandwich but I love it all the same. Hope you are your bumpettes are faring well. Very excited for you - can't wait!! xx
Any chance of another podcast soon? I need some cheering up. How about a real singalong belter?
Realdoc - I'm working on it (in my head!). Should be one out in a week or two. x
how come we cant save any of those photos?
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