Psychic Shock in Munterspace

The even weirder thing is that he has really been on my mind over the last few days. I am a psychic witchmother.

I have found you my little friend. Where are you living? XXX and I are in Clapham - we got into property developing for a while but now we have stopped and I am doing a masters in linguistics. I see that a small person came out of your tummy - how weird. Are you grown up now or do you still pee in people's gardens and say "FOY" ? Please get in touch coz I miss you. My number is XXXXXXX Lots of love XXXXXX
Blimey. The tinternet is a powerful thing.
He recognised your boobs?
Aw, sweet! Are you Czech? I never knew...
How intriguing, or is it, only you can tell us the finer details.
Powerfully Peter Kayish; you could say funny;-) ;-)
Definitely more than meets the eye here.
He recognised your ..... Annie, really;-)
Annie - Good grief - I think not Annie!He is gay so I doubt he recognised my boobs! Somehow my real name must be linked to rockmother OR - he just happened to be 'browsing' and some people have commented using my real name and he put two and two together....And no, not Czech - my ex-boyfriend Satan used to teach there and I've shot there a lot so speak a smattering. Ahoy...dobriden x
Sean - intriguing yes Seanster. That happens to me a lot though - thinking of people or they are really on my mind and then they call..weird
That T-Shirt pic reminds me of this.
That's you third from the right with the stars in your eyes.
Ister - talking of t-shirts. Apparently they were selling t-shirts of Heath Ledger in a heart with a caption underneath saying:
Why couldn't it have been Britney?
at Walkabout for Australia Day yesterday. Judging by the look of the heffermunters vomitting copiously outside when I went past on the bus - why couldn't it have been them?! Ha!
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