Things That Make You Go Eeouwch!
Oh dear has it been that long? I've been busy. Busy fighting my creative demons and creating you see. Actually I've been really busy on twatbook and twitter too if truth be known! I joined Twitter bloody ages ago - even before Stephen Fry who is the Lord Emperor of all that is Twittle. He even made me his friend after I commented on one of his twittles or twits or tweets or whatever they are called so I must say I am truly twittily honoured. There is something quite radically comforting and useful having to microblog in 140 characters or less. You can follow me at twitter if you so desire - I'm @rockmother not surprisingly. Don't all rush at once!

On a lighter note - hurray - a new rockmockumentary is coming out soon - arise Anvil! Yes - real life Spinal Tap takes to the road in the form of long-forgotten and very loud Canadian rock band Anvil. You can watch the trailer here:
And if you are still reading and haven't had enough click here for Times article on a guide to 100 best blogs - cue feverish searching. How many on the list have got book deals I wonder?
Yarp! Ciao!
Labels: fingernails too long should have cut them in the first place
someone has to ask it so I'll be the one - how do you wipe your backside with nails like that?
Apart from a couple of the celeb ones, all those blogs are written by men. Jesus.
(Not actual Jesus, he didn't have a blog.)
He had a travel blog.
Christ On A Bike.
I don't understand Twitter. I feel really stupid.
I think I'm beginning to understand Twitter now, though it is a bit odd as I keep looking for comments from other Twitterers on my site. Thanks for the advice, Romo.
GSE - actually I DID go to youtube and have a look - somehow she manages to do everything with those nails including I do suppose wiping her bottom. Her nails are the stuff of nightmares - I am afraid to go to sleep tonight.
Patroclus - I know! Jesus - he's probably on Twitter though ;-)
Geoff - oh you do understand Twitter - I can see you do! Are you on Tweetdeck yet - I never usually enthuse about applications or apps as those that are in techy world call them - but I must say - Tweetdeck is the business when it come to all things twitness. There is Twitpic too - for uploading pictures to go with your twits..
100 top blogs...piffle! *snickering* i have the twitter and the facebook and that's the end of it, i forget them most of the time anyway, sugar!
xoxox that like Faceblog or am I thinking of Myface? Bad luck about the fingernails.
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I'll check Twitter out.
went to twitter signed in, filled in what I'm doing and (nothing happened, not even click next or how's your uncle) haven't a bulls notion what the fuck it's all about. Might drop over when I not so sleepy. I need signs to do next, and lights (not too many) flashing;-)
Jesus didn't have a blog? How abou a Twitter account? 'Jesus is dying for yours sins, you bastards.'
chazza said: hi hun. . . .eeoowww. . .Thats what I love about yours and Joanne Casseys bloggs. . .Where do you guys find 'em. You really know where to get 'em. . Lol.
Some woman are complete nightmares to live or even work with at a chipped nail. Wonder how this dear lady took the loss of her said nails. . .(probably kept them curled up in a jar or preserved in that liquid they use. . .)
Hows things with you and family? oh yeah half term for you at yours. . . Enjoy. Takecare. . X x
That woman looks like an alien extra from Star Trek (sixties version). Her poor husband's back must be ripped to pieces!
Savmarshmamama - I know the feeling! xx
Dickley - you can follow your beloved Lily on Twitter you know....
Momo Madster - where are you then? you need to follow and be followed x
My Darling Violet - have been worried about you again and here you are - hurray! x
Chazza - oh yes - half term - lovely (I guess you can't see my facial twitch and hear my nervous hysterical laughter?)
Isters - I know - freakoid or what? I am sure her husband is a little relived to say the least - he can take the flak jacket off now.
Yes, rockmum, now I know, I wasn't born to follow.
"Just like that!"
I got a few email followers trying to sell me something or other, then I knew it was a multi million add shop (big brother is watching you kind-a thing)
My Doc. says I'm doing OK, but to stay away from twitter till I'm ready for it (get my credit card back)
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
Twitter sounds like too much fun for me. Think I'll stick with Spaceblog.
the blog is quite enuff fer me, sugar! xoxox
Lily's just a tease anyway. I doubt if I have a chance.
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