I have done a muxtape - you can look at it and choose what you want to listen to hereI thought I would get a nice playlist and a picture of something like this
but no chance - you will just have to press the button instead!
Night night pop-pickers.
Labels: new stuff to try orange crimplene behaving badly
Never too old to rock and roll; never too young to die.
I look forward to a listen later in the evening when I get a little peace and quiet. Thanks!
Tony Joe White, The Specials and UK Subs - that's my kinda muxing.
I'm gonna have to have me some of that electrickery.
Dear Prudence / Dusty Springfield
The Selected / lsley Bros.
My favourite- what does that say about me I wonder?
Your range is fantastic, really great!
Reggie Darling - too fast to live to young to die unless you can find a nice quiet place to go and listen to a muxtape
Planet Mondo Man - glad you is liking di muxing - it's a bit time consuming to upload - I'm the sort of idiot that stares at it willing it to upload instead of doing something else for five minutes
Momo Madsters - what does it say about you? that you like good music yeah yeah..oh thank you thank you you are far too kind. All that praise will make me wnat to go and do another one now!
I'll take the UK Subs (only on 7" blue vinyl though) and the Stranglers with Dusty sandwiched in the middle.
I don't do the Specials. A rotten night at the Greyhound with me being pursued by 3rd Reich down Fulham palace Road put me off.
I'm an original ska boy all the way.
I'm vibing on Dear Prudence (Great) and Polk Salad Annie (Nice).
I like reggae music but only as an accompaniment to getting off my face. The same goes for Ska. Ooh err, I’ll get me coat…
great mix, sugar! now if i could figure out how to save it to my desktop...xoxox
Isley Brothers, Gap Band, Dusty ... the last time I heard that UK Subs song was when an old punk friend played it about twenty years ago, and we were whingeing about getting old (heh heh).
Keep feeling miffed that Noel Harrison's version of Windmills Of Your Mind doesn't seem to be availabe anywhere. Still, I'm going off at a tangent there.
L E B - welcome to Romo Towers. Yes - 7" blue vinyl it must be. How much do we love Charlie Harper? I sympathise re the Greyhound - I had a similar experience with minging knife-wielding skinhead girls outside the Lyceum Ballroom in 1980.
Mr Axe Victim - the world would be a very boring place if everyone liked everything - the fact that people have different tastes in music is what makes life interesting - hey - you seem to have got your coat but you have left your spliff on the table!
Savmarshmamamamama - oh - I'm not sure how you do that. anyone? x
Bettster - ahem, cough - have you tried limewire or acquisition cough knudge wink
Nice selection...not sure how to download...I'll fiddle with it when I get a chance. Ta.
Dickley - glad you liked it x
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