I'm Wicked and I'm Laaaaaaaazy
A short quiz as inspired by having to endure T'Pau on the radio the other day. I swear Carol Decker is stalking me - she just won't take no for an answer and is still wanting to be my friend on Munterspace. What does she want - China in her hand? Anyway - before I start doing an impression of Microdwarf Simon Amstell...
Who/which band is the odd one out...and why?

I have been a bit diverted by commenting rather than posting lately - I have thought of many things to post like how much I have been enjoying the rather marvellous Electric Roulette. Go, see, hear, read, watch, learn, listen. They even wore their fingers numb and bleeding scouring the internet for this: Iggy and the Stooges 'doing' Madonna at the Hall of Fame ceremony the other week. I have to say - not everyone's cup of tea but quite frankly had I been there I would not have been able to contain myself. I would have leaped atop my hosts table, started ripping at my clothes and generally inciting all and sundry to join in and behave with great badness. Even Madonna sat there like a dork - a shocking waste of a performance if ever I saw one. She should have at least tried to move one of her heavily botoxed eyelids. Feel something! Feel something Iggy rasped as a line of elderly record executives looked on in horror and frantically popped another Ambien.
Talking of great music I went to see Supergrass at the Roundhouse last Friday. I can't post a proper Rockmother Review as I drank so much champagne and vodka the larger detail is still missing but when it comes back in some sort of coherent form I will. All I can say is that they were absolutely brilliant, loud, in time and generally on faultless form. I fear I may have cracked a rib jumping up and down too much and attempted to breakdance at the backstage aftershow party and I might have taken Gaz's kebab home by mistake and left it in the back of an Addison Lee cab (sorry Gaz) but you know - that's what it is like in the rock and roll fast lane. Look out for Glange Fever - the Chas Harrison Rokumentary to accompany the forthcoming Diamond Hoo Ha album release - you can see the trailer here as shot and edited by none other than my eater algo Mr Cafe Del Nightmare.
Wow is that the time? I really must be going but before I do - my old college friend Steve who is something of a genius clever cyber uber overlord and is always getting asked his opinion on stuff like the internet and often more complicated things like how do you widgify that into a host-based online multistreamlined creational environment? In his own words he can 'state the total cost of a job during a pitch without laughing, proofread a Powerpoint presentation on a moving escalator, get a smile from the snootiest Venture Capital receptionist in Mayfair and divine the secret purpose of a digital strategy using only instant coffee and a pencil'. Added to which he has come up with the great invention of Speechification and Watchification - both a sort of diagonal slice through the output of Radio 4 (and various other speech radio stations delivered as a podcast) and BBC TV respectively. Watchification are making regular selections from the BBC's new streaming iPlayer. By the wonders of 'embedding' you can watch the video direct at Watchification without having to wade through the Windows only iplayer format. An interesting amalgam of distributing a 'best of' selection in a completely user friendly way. You can even follow on Twitter and tell your friends.

Miaow. And look what the cat dragged in! Sayonara until next time my little love kittens xx
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Slightly off topic perhaps but do you happen to know if Iggy uses any kind of underarm deodorant? I've often wondered.
Also do you have any idea what swipe is up to with the 'invitation only' business? I don't think I could deal with a rejection.
Dickley - hhmm...interesting question - possibly. I would give his armpit a good sniff if I ever had the occasion to get near enough. I really hope he doesn't use Lynx - that would be too much to bear and would give me an instant headache. Re: Swipe - I have just had a check - looks like he has temporarily suspended his blog for some reason. Maybe having a strop or hiatus or perhaps he is preferring the glorious arena of Munterspace as a better vehicle for his music? I will try to find out. No - rejection is a terrible thing and I don't relish it myself either. Undercover Romo going in. I may be some time x
Ian Dury and the Blockheads.
The singer wore underwear.
"Feel the music... Feel something..." Good old Iggy.
Shame you weren't there, the jumping on the table etc would've been a youtube hit to be sure!!
er ... they've all been invited to view Robert Swipe's blog, apart from Iggy?
I getting pulled away before I finish reading, but for now I'll answer your quiz: It's Iggy Pop naturally. Günther von Hagens wants him back in the ‘Body Worlds’ exhibition now.
i only knew iggy pop...jaysus, wtf has happened to me? gawd, invitation only blogs *sigh* it's so like being in high school again...not that i know mr swipe..or he knows me, but that's high school all over again isn't it? or maybe i'm just tired from lack of sleep...or something.
(can i get some cheese with this whine, sugar?)
T'Pau, because they're rubbish.
Yes, hit me wit' your rhythm stick .... nice to be a lu-na-tic, hit me, hit ......me, and I didn't peep.
Ambeien, what a boring bunch of farts. That's what you need after the air raid to come down.
If I was in that league I'd have scars, and my head would be droppin' down to the table.... after I've opened up those neurotransmitters wedged them tight, then let it snow- I'm dreamin' of a ...Sorry! Where was
I got the speechification, but the watchification is only available for broadcast in the UK. I had the same problem with one of Tony's clips- whatever way he's connecting through the server, he's still prohibited. Anyway, not to worry.
Geoff - nice try but wrong I am afraid
Howeser - ha ha - oh you flatterer you Mr H
Bettster - oh now...come on...I think Bob has gone to ground - same as LC - don't take it personally otherwise we'll have to send you down the day centre for occupational therapy again and I know how much you hate baskets! x
Seanster - come back come back. Ha! Iggy is too good for Gunther who strangely I have always thought resembles his own exhibits don't you think? Or Freddy Kruger with a slightly more un-melted face..
Savmarshmamamama - no no no - you are just tired and in need of more wine. Here - I am sending you a rahter nice glass of Chianti Reserve. Chin chin.
Violet - WELL DONE! You are almost right but I need the reason why they are crap. So I am afraid you get 100 out of 80 and a bonus edition of Cat Lovers Monopoly for your quite frankly fantastic efforts.
Sean Sean - there you are - we must have been tappity tapping at the same time in different places - how bizarre. Speechification is great - shame abotu Watchification. Perhaps my megatron friend Steve can scrathc his head and work out how to bypass that flaw in the machine...x
Oh my god - I've gone all closet dyslexic - typing too quick or thinking too fast - or both - apologies
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T'Pau are the odd ones out, because:
1. They're the only reformed band playing at Pontin's,
2. They're the only reformed band with all the original members in the current line-up,
3. They're the only reformed band that wants you as their munter-friend,
4. I agree with Violet.
Gosh, Istvanski knows rather a lot about T'Pau. Is the answer that Carol Decker is the only one being stalked by Istvanski?
(Sorry. I had a second go, which is cheating.)
It's Carol Decker because she is the only one who's surname describes what you would like to do her.
Ister -
No no no and oh ok.
Bettster - yes! I mean no! You can have as many goes as you like.
Violet is almost there - it really is a question of why they are the odd one out AND crap and is related to the other three artists/bands...
Murph - ooh hello. Good answer but quack quack ooops as Dave Lee Travis would say - actually, I know what you mean....
Er... because I don't own any of their records? Actually that still just 'because they're crap isn't it? You're going to have to put me out of my misery I'm afraid, I am clearly an ignoramus.
ALso, with 100 out of 80 do I qualify for some sort of bonus prize?? Not that cat monopoly isn't keeping me sufficiently entertained this fine Friday evening.
To begin with, why don't I get this many comments on my clever and interesting blog? Also, your speechification/watchification words are the nicest we've yet seen! Lovely!
Violet - all will be revealed in the next post. I will buy you a drink and a packet of your favourite flavour crisps next time we meet - hopefully soon!
Mr Steve Bowbrick - oh I don't know. Maybe you have readers as opposed to commenters? Me being one - I read your clever and interesting blog most days but don't comment all the time - sometimes because it so clever I feel like I might make a stupid comment or have to doublecheck which minister is head of what dept etc before I make an arse of myself ;-). I have been telling all and sundry about the ifications - hope it's all going well. x
Iggys' version of Burning up is amazing!
The quiz - T'pau aren't punk, can the answer be that easy?
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