The World In A Wallet

I took it home and had a proper look through it. No cash, a few cards, family photo's (some very old), driver's licence and a ticket for the Chelsea vs Juventus game which was starting in 30 mins! It then became apparent that the owner of the wallet wasn't even from London but Belfast and was probably at that point standing bewildered at the turnstile! I had another rifle through it and found a hotel key. To cut a long story short - I called the main number as the key only had the word Radisson printed on it. I got put through to a lovely Irishman called Terry in Dublin (Radisson HQ apparently) who was very excited about the prospect that a customer was going to be reunited with their wallet. From that point on it all got a bit silly. For a start we located Mr Lost Wallet via the last 4 digits on his last remaining credit card. Terry in his amazement and excitement it transpires took my mobile number down minus a digit. He then spent the next two hours trying different configurations of my mobile number and finally by fluke got hold of me. When he did he was almost exploding with joy and told me I was a saint and deserved a big present - ohh I thought - a week's break at a Radisson of my choosing? A feature in the Radisson Monthly Newsletter? He then gave me Mr Lost Wallet's wife's mobile number although he said she may call me. He finished off by telling me that I was on his wavelength and there weren't enough people like us in the world. I couldn't agree more and I sort of wanted to give him a big telephone hug too.
Next...briiing's Mrs Mr Lost Wallet absolutely over the moon about the wallet. We went through an inventory of what was in the wallet, how I found it, how she has 10 daughters and if I get an odd message on facebook then it was them and Terry trying to find me and how her other daughter had won a competition recently - an all expenses paid trip for 2 to see the Chelsea game in London that night. Luckily, luckily because the lost wallet contained a ticket that was a prize they still managed to get into the game so all was not lost. Then she told me if I was ever in Belfast that I must visit (and I am the kind of person that would too). I asked her where in Belfast they were - ha - only the same road that my bloody cousins live in. Too too weird. At that point, we both had a communal telephone slurp of wine and chink of glasses as we shared the joy of it all. An hour later Mr Lost Wallet himself turned up to claim his wallet back. I invited him in as I went to get it. He said thank you, you'll be hearing from us and scuttled out into a minicab where his other smiling daughter waved from the back seat - and that was it. Do you know I think he said thank you but I can't be sure. I think he was a bit shy despite the fact he had ten daughters. Ten daughters. No wonder there wasn't any cash in the wallet.
Amazing on two counts;
1. A stranger from afar is reconciled to his property
2. Said stranger lives in the same road as your relations.
That's a very worthy action you did and you shall be rewarded in the afterlife by having Chippendale strippers that cater for your every need.
Or loads of Iggys...
Nice one, Karma-Girl.
That should be:
"...reconciled WITH his property".
That's it. I'm going back to school, I'll even bunk into a posh grammar establishment to sort out my habit for talking bollocks.
Hang on, is it "habit for talking bollocks" or "habit of talking bollocks"?
This'll never end...
It's amazing and so are you!
I can feel the glow from all the way over here. You did a good thing, and not just in a Martha kind of way!
Isterness - I know - totally amazing - the whole Irish connection was extraordinary - even to the Radisson HQ being Irish too.
Gerry Trousers - Cheers - it was quite karma-orientated
Mr Murphy - I know - it gave me a real buzz of happiness to be able to do it
Arabellakins - it was all glowy and obviously meant to be - a funny little moment in karmic time
Good for you. :)
Billster - thanks - I was so glad he got to see the game after all and got his family photo's back. Imagine coming all that way and that happening to you. We reckon he was 'dipped' in Earls Court and the couple I saw who ignored me at Barons Court were the thieves dumping the wallet. Unlucky for them it didn't go between the gap and the platform but at my feet.
Bastards. It's a pity you couldn't get a clear shot atthem.
Bocksterness - do you know in my eagerness to return the wallet first off it didn't occur to me they were thieves? Although something told me it was odd that they turned their backs on me - and they were laughing so I just thought they were having a good time. I can remember exactly what they looked like though - I would recognise them again. I've got a photographic memory - useful (in hindsight!) or when travelling having forgotten a map.
In my experience, many women have photographic memories.
you truly are a marvelous woman, sugar! i'll never forget how much you helped us when the MITM was in london! xoxoxo
you truly are a marvelous woman, sugar! i'll never forget how much you helped us when the MITM was in london! xoxoxo
that's a lovely story!
10 girls? One more and they could have made up the whole Chelsea team.
oh angel. . .what an utter unexpected adventurous end to your day.
I bet when you woke you thought just another day. Good on you. . .just remember to send us a post card when you do. . .slol x x tc chazza. . .
Lovely story. Heart-warming. So what was your present from Radisson?
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