Friday, July 07, 2006

I'm going to kill someone!

The little one has just told me that he LOVES Geoffrey from Rainbow. I'm not too happy about that - mainly because Geoffrey is wearing a rather tight pair of lewd red dungarees and is arguing with Bungle. Bungle wants to play the trumpet and Geoffrey's fighting Zippy for the paper and comb - more like the skin flute and pork sword if you ask me! And as for Rod Jane and Freddy - disgraceful hippy free-love commune escapees - although I have a strange recollection that I used to wish Jane would be my mother. Don't go there. Definately time for bed now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once met the puppteer who invented Zippy and Bungle. Went round to his house. Crazy hard core puppeeteers. Lovely people, hippies. Hadn't made a penny from it and were bitter, but only because they could have spent it all on puppets. Or something. My memory is a bit hazy. I can't even really remember why I was there in the first place, something to do with Loophole Cinema and our crazed shadow shows. Maybe.

9:41 pm  
Blogger FirstNations said...

oo, you have simpy childrens shows too. they make me want to cry and bang my head against the wall.

12:37 am  
Blogger Istvanski said...

The sexual innuendo was far more direct in Captain Pugwash eg: Seaman Staines, Master Bates and Roger the Cabin Boy.

Yes, we all know about it, but do we know our children know?

1:15 am  
Blogger rockmother said...

Ivan - were you round there buying dope?

FN - tell me about it!

Istvanski - I was kind of posting tongue-in-cheek. All that Captina Pugwash stuff is an urban myth - if you ever watch or read it again - they didn't exist!

5:36 pm  
Blogger Istvanski said...

I must've been consuming the wrong drugs at the time I was watching said programme. Hope it wasn't me that started that urban myth...

9:24 am  
Blogger rockmother said...

Well, maybe we all were. I used to swear blind that Seaman Stains and Master Bates existed until I had it proved to me that they did not!

10:52 pm  
Blogger rockmother said...

Well, maybe we all were. I used to swear blind that Seaman Stains and Master Bates existed until I had it proved to me that they did not!

10:53 pm  
Blogger katty said...

6:46 pm  

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